Fix for the place bug (treasure)

Some of us know the pain :
You walk half the map keeping a treasure in your hand while you get nonstop ambushed by npc‘s … just to arrive at you’re base and release : I can’t place this treasure !
Well now you can :
Keep the treasure in you’re hands and walk close to another placed treasure ( the small once dropping randomly by npcs ) now pic up the small treasure and spam the button to place it ! Instead of the small treasure you gonna place now the big one you keep in you’re hands :slight_smile:
Sometimes it needs 2-3 try’s till it work :slight_smile:

Greetings @Kombar ,

Can you, please, provide more details about the issue you came upon?

If possible add a video as well.

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

I can’t … cause I can’t join our server anymore :frowning:
But the bug is simple :
You can carry some treasure ( the cat statue for example out of the jungle ) and you’re going to bring it to your base . When you arrive there , you can’t place it ( like it’s counted value ) so you just replace while you keep it in you’re hands something else and it will count :slight_smile:

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