Follower problems

Official server #1041 PvE Conflict

Thralls or pets on follow will fight on forever, deal no damage and recieve no damage.

However, once opponents are agro’d by player, all seems to fight normal - but
sometimes randomly deal way to little damage and the player has to step in nevertheless.

Making followers useless.

And overall 20 sec intervals in interaction of the enviroment and followers.

Greetings Exile,

Thank you for your report. Could you record a video and share it with us to better showcase the behavior you’re describing?

Thank you in advance.

Yes i have recordings, where do i upload some edited footage, could you send me a dm?

Note that it’s is going on every evening with high pop atm @ #1041
One day worse then others.

When i keep the targets active/agro with f.i gas the followers do attack, but its random, the one time it works the other not.
High change the target will be standing idling dieing in the gas.

When i don’t agro targets all will be idling for about 20 secs.

Its probably big lag, as f.i. chest’s and inventory don’t load for sec’s.

Ive been around @1041, it has been a laggy server with more pop then like 20 for a long time.

Some players do build all over the server though and these are really gigantic builds by the same players all over the map, those places heavily lagged and like unplayable.

Perhaps related:
Adding - this server has a problem with - cannot login due to high ping - and have to use direct connect to log in at all. (random but like 8 out of 10 times)

Pings are around 250 - but should be like 30.

I do not know if it’s a common issue as i do not see reports on FC forum it seems.

I do know that lots of players exp. it @#1041

I did not test @ other servers.


Thank you for your reply. Please upload the video to Youtube, Google drive, or a similar platform and share the link with us.

Regarding the server situation, please submit a ticket to our Help Center under “Official server performance” and our team over there will take the proper measures.

We appreciate your support. :slight_smile:

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