Foundation Spam & Raids

My suggestion to push back against foundation spamming is to let you command thralls to target and destroy structures during pvp. Maybe limit only certain weapons to have this capability like hammers like croms hammer rannison etc.

This would motivate players to build on peaks or towers which you could not use thralls to attack and destroy them but motivates to use trebs on.

Explosives are waaaaay to expensive to destroy millions of spammed foundations.

Imagine using a thrall to clean up all unnecessary land claims entire grids players make to prevent others building a treb.

This already works to a degree when thralls attack structures unintentionally trying to kill a player now lets make it intentional.

Thanks for your considerations.

Explosive Specialist Thrall. =3

They can make personal bombs(so player cant take them or loot them) for 75% the cost and use them. XD

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Any suggestion how they could program, how to know when a player is spamming foundations or not?

I would suggest that places like the brimstone, let a purge clean up the lake every 24hours for example.

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This is indeed a tempting idea! As you mentioned, there is a similar way to attack player structures already in the game. You can also kite a boss to destroy some of these structures. This method is of course LIMITED, and it is good this way!

If you could build up and command thralls to work like purges do, you would provide an UNLIMITED method to attack player structures. This would leave NO buildings left on your server in the end, not only clean the “unnecessary” ones. People would abuse this method to oblivion and I cannot see a way to LIMIT this!?

We are almost there as it is. Its almost like amassing a small company of thralls to purge other players bases. This would motivate players to build on peaks instead of ground bases.

If it could be an untameable, untrainable purge, that would be a very effective deterrent. Or something like an increased decay rate in that area (Acid rain!!! Arrrrgh!). It would have to be something that you could switch off for single player or private servers, though.

I have absolutely no clue how hard it would be to do though, so


Around landmarks, such as brimstone lake, sinkhole etc., no players should be able to build foundations and buildings, also they should limit the number of squares a player/clan occupy, this would also force players/clans to be very smart how and where to build. I think this would be the perfect solution.

I don’t like that suggestion

would be good to know why.

Around landmarks, such as brimstone lake, sinkhole etc., no players should be able to build foundations and buildings,

If you are in a clan war, you can use this for tactics, closing the lake etc.
You need a clan of 10 very active people to block all resource of the whole map and with full control, almost impossible.
The problem is that people, (I think like you) see that a brimstone lake is build in and want to quit because it is not “easy” to get that brimstone (in your mind impossible), but try to look at the bigger picture of the game and it’s called survival, the learning curve of the game is not short while it might look simple (loves Conan).

If I would suggest a solution for this, it would be a purge for the brimstone lake for example but once a week. PvP will be more active, clans might fight for the ground etc.
But I don’t want this, it’s ok and let’s you think to approach it differently as what you are used to.

But you can still build a big wall around it, and limiting might interference current bases and less building spots.

also they should limit the number of squares a player/clan occupy, this would also force players/clans to be very smart how and where to build.

For implementing would be really hard without any complaints about it. Because how can you see how far you can build, how do you see if you are on your limit. If a clan member doesn’t know about limitation and builds randomly in the map and you want to build on your main base and you reached your limit because of that limiter, what if that player left, how do you find those foundations?
Certain spots needs alot of space in horizontal and some vertical, how would you apply a rule which doesn’t influence the different types of building styles.

It limits the spots too.

I think this would be the perfect solution.

I don’t :wink:

I do look at the bigger picture. I think you looking at this from a ‘‘ready to go, all t4 build up clan, we ready to war’’ point of view. What about new players? They don’t have yet bombs, they are a bit lower level and maybe they don’t have the numbers. (3 man clan in a server with let’s say 6-10 clan) How they can get to critical resources and have a chance to fight back. I think your suggestion only benefits players who already leveled up. I think (could be wrong tho) my solution is helping and gives equal chance to everyone.
Just because somebody being on a server 2 years should not have tactical advantage over players who only been there a week. I’m talking about tactical not skill, that’s important to understand the different.

If no one can build there no arguments. Simple.
I’m not trying to find an ‘‘easy to get to it way’’ , I’m offering a ‘‘fair to everyone’’ solution

Limit foundations. Hmm you right it is a bit tricky, maybe a counter on a screen when you build that shows you how much left, this could be gained back by destroying your old redundant buildings, just think about how many abandoned building you find on lower level areas because people moved up???

Clan member build randomly
 Hmm I guess this has to come down to the clan leader. I’m in a clan and we know every single building who build it, where and when. It comes down to clan management.
Maybe a tracking system similar to thrall tracking system could be a solution to that.

However, no matter what kind of changes they make there is so much diversity within players, someone will always complain and won’t like what others might find fair and square.
There is impossible to make a rule/game/system that benefits everybody.

Don’t you agree?

I still think it’s a perfect solution hahahahahaha

I think you looking at this from a ‘‘ready to go, all t4 build up clan, we ready to war’’ point of view. What about new players? They don’t have yet bombs, they are a bit lower level and maybe they don’t have the numbers. (3 man clan in a server with let’s say 6-10 clan) How they can get to critical resources and have a chance to fight back.

I just proved it for myself this week. I did joined a server which the brimstone lake was blocked (and still halfway), just today we broke half the brimstone lake gone with trebuchet.
Like I said, I’m 5 days in the server and almost the main base is ready and the brimstone lake is halfway cleared in 5 days with 2 players total started both on level 0, no help from others while new guys asking me to help when they join the server, lol.

I think (could be wrong tho) my solution is helping and gives equal chance to everyone.

We all spawn in the dessert, starting from level 0.

Just because somebody being on a server 2 years should not have tactical advantage over players who only been there a week. I’m talking about tactical not skill, that’s important to understand the different.

And I do really understand this difference, but there should be some tactical advantage (besides game knowledge) otherwise why would you stay in the server, what should clan do to work for? If you really looking it like this I suggest playing Call of Duty, you get the game in like 1 hour in general, compared to Conan it would be more like 1500hours.

just think about how many abandoned building you find on lower level areas because people moved up

Decay timers

If no one can build there no arguments. Simple.
I’m not trying to find an ‘‘easy to get to it way’’ , I’m offering a ‘‘fair to everyone’’ solution

What is fair?
You suggest on the other hand that a clan should not have tactical advantage over players when spend more time compared to new ones, but how is it fair if a clan worked their ass off for 2 years for the mainbase and tactics for the base and you just joined the server and straight away you are at the same tactical advantage level?

Clan member build randomly
 Hmm I guess this has to come down to the clan leader. I’m in a clan and we know every single building who build it, where and when.

Well, I gues something goes wrong in the workflow when having hard times of foundations spams and raids.

It comes down to clan management.

Back to the tactics board?

However, no matter what kind of changes they make there is so much diversity within players, someone will always complain and won’t like what others might find fair and square.
There is impossible to make a rule/game/system that benefits everybody.
Don’t you agree?

Yeah, with this game PVE vs PVP. To sad to see that Funcom’s focus is more PVE side (my opinion) but I guess it’s because of DLC for the money $$$.

But @NeoFromdMatrix, my hint for this one is there are more ways to accomplish your clan tactics. It’s not always fun, but that makes the game fun in good times and sad in bad times, but it gives you more awareness of the game which gives you more options.

I was talking about tactical fairness.
And I do really understand this difference, but there should be some tactical advantage (besides game knowledge) otherwise why would you stay in the server, what should clan do to work for? If you really looking it like this I suggest playing Call of Duty,
If a team only can gain tactical advantage by blocking critical resources, you right, they should go play COD. I would not call that being tactical at all, I call it as it is, greedy. There is no skill in that.

Unfortunately current system not good enough

Yes that;s exactly the definition of fair lol

not sure what you mean by this?

PVP vs PVE in every game out there.

I agree.

Look personally I’m not complaining, however blocking landmarks, taking over resources at the and of the day it’s against the terms and conditions and players should not be able to do it PERIOD!!!
No matter how you twist it and what you call it!!! Read the terms and conditions!!!

I don’t like people who think they have more rights over a game/player just because they play longer!! That is not fair, that;s all I’m saying.

Again no matter what they do with this game or change there is always going to be a group of players who won’t like it.,

Just because somebody being on a server 2 years should not have tactical advantage over players who only been there a week. I’m talking about tactical not skill, that’s important to understand the different.

I was talking about tactical fairness.

If a team only can gain tactical advantage by blocking critical resources, you right, they should go play COD. I would not call that being tactical at all, I call it as it is, greedy. There is no skill in that.

I call this tactics and you are nagging. I didn’t say it was the only tactical advantage, it’s one of them what I’m trying to explain you this whole hour.
Almost everyone is greedy, it’s nature. If you get money, most of the time you want more money and not less. We want easy money in general if it was a choice and legal.

I mean, look at Funcom

Im not nagging, all I’m saying that is not tactical, you might say it is, that’s cool. I just disagree on that that’s all, not having a go at anyone or saying my opinion worth more than yours. I just don’t see a tactic in it at all.

I don’t know about almost everyone is greedy. I know I’m not and people that surrounds me also not. Maybe I’m just lucky with my social circle.

I don’t know about almost everyone is greedy. I know I’m not and people that surrounds me also not. Maybe I’m just lucky with my social circle.

Lucky you :slight_smile:

I just don’t see a tactic in it at all.

In case if all players start at the same time and the same level.
You wan’t to build and/or make bombs asap and giving your enemy less resource and time so you can be prepaired more, you can build in the Brimstone lake

In case you are Alpha and have enough resource, you can build in the Brimstone lake so that you slow down everyone getting big really fast.

In case you are the underdog (and just started), you can build in Brimstone lake to prevent the Alpha’s getting bigger.

Sometimes people forget that if the Brimstone lake is build in/blocked by a clan/person, the clan or the person will be hated by most of the players in the server. If people really don’t like that, Funcom doesn’t stop you for sending message to other players in the server if all working together getting to Brimstone lake clear. I wonder how many people have tried that out before posting on the forums.

we did that, some little clan tried to block it, I sent a message to other clans and they got wiped, they are no longer on that server, also lake got build up, not blocked, so everybody can excess it. sharing is carrying, not to mention open map rooms, we all want to focus on PVP by fighting each other not blocking everything so no one can do anything and call themselves ‘‘alpha’’ :smiley:

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