Freya is bugged; can’t continue questline

Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 2502

Bug Description:

I was doing the freya quest line, and had to log off during the part where she was following me to kill wolves, bears, elf and boar. Now she is back at her hovel and will continually say as “returning home” but her only option when speaking with her is “goodbye”


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I am on ps4 have had similar issues went to talk got returning messages. Turns out she was at a team mates base. My thinking is that the Freya at hovel is not always ours. @Camerbr1 . Anyone have input?

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Thats a interesting theory! Never thought to check my other bases.
But I think my test live has decayed now.

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My friends was closer than mine about a grid difference.

Freya doesn’t need to come to you. Neither Lou!
In every server reset or 8 hours since the last mission ended, you can go visit them and they’ll give you directions.
However it’s highly possible to stumble on a mission part and never be able to continue or restart until the next hotfix or update.
So if this is your case @Camerbr1 create an account on Zendesk and submit a ticket.
Good luck fellow exile and welcome to the forum :metal:.

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