Freya is "returning home" forever

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1005
Character name: Yorae


Well, the title say all: I can’t progress with Freya’s questline following a sudden disconnection, making to be stuck with the “returning home” status.

It happens to me just after the release of Age of Heroes and if i didn’t reported it at this time, it’s because i stopped to play Conan Exile and because it was a general issu back then, i would have expected to see this issue resolved.

Honnestly, it’s disappointed to see such lack of will from Funcom to fix their mistake.

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same i am on the very last one where she is supposed to meet me at nordhof but shes just knelt at her fire with returning home bullshit what a waste of time

worked again for me after about 2 days.

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Well a bit of hope there i guess

Did you have to go see her again at hovel or did she appear in your base again?

at her hovel

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Same here, and I was afk for several days so she had plenty of time to reset.

After one week, the problem i have is still there. I wonder if there’s any devs working to fix anything blocking the players.

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still same for me stuck on returning home ,just waste of time

Did she ever make it?

Out of curiosity, at which step in the quest did this happen?

I know that, for example, when you talk to her and you have to go to New Asgarath she will stay at her hovel in “returning home” mode. But that’s not an issue. She isn’t supposed to follow you from there. Go to New Asgarath and she will be at the entrance where you talk to her again and she follows you FROM THERE. So, just because she appears to be “stuck returning home” does not always mean that this is the case (though in all honesty it could, but your original post did not specify what part of the quest you were doing or anything).

I found this video to be super helpful for doing her quests (just have the last part to do).

mime was the very last quest where you meet her at nodhof she appeared at my base talkeed then i headed to nodhof and she was not there