Funcoms response to my report of exploiters on 1111


Imagine being a support desk, and making it possible to report exploiters.

Let me start with this: My report was not short, it was filled with screenshots of evidence regarding the exploits on Official Server 1111 PvP

Look at this answer guys, and tell me what you think:

Greetings Exile,

We currently experience a high number of contacts from our community, and regret not having been able to do an in depth investigation on the issue you reported.

We hope it has already improved on its own. However, if this still impacts your experience on official servers, please feel free to get back to us and let us know.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Imagine not wanting to spend 5 minutes to look into the report, and fix the issue, just imagine giving your paying customers this answer

Wtf is this? “We hope it has already improved on its own” IMAGINE


As people’s minds continue to devolve, expect worse.

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Yup, that is pretty well been my experience with zendesk/funcom.


They simply dont care :slight_smile:

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Resolving the “report meta” by doing nothing at all.


just relaunch them politely with a email reply saying that is an detailled report with all information exposing cheaters and so important to treat it

I know the pain as i received this kind of email often, but if you insist they will treat it (talking of my experience on reports), sometime i had to relaunch them 3 time, but that the road to have your case treated

The only sort of report of exploiting that can easily get solved is building exploits. Those they can look at on their end and see whenever they check. Its pretty easy.

Any other exploit is not easy (sort of). The reason being is screenshots and videos are not great indicators. Imagine if I put a Zendesk ticket against the OP, using screenshots made in a sever of my own using mods, and friends posing as the OP. Spoofing another player in this way is incredibly easy. Should he be banned in such a case just ‘to be sure’ that wrong doers are caught anyway? Well obviously not.

What a report can do, and evidence sort of helps with this, is give an indication that someone on a server might be doing something. And an investigation using the tools (not disclosed) to see if the accused is actually exploiting or cheating. This of course is limited to the ability of said tools to which we have no clue to the effectiveness if any. Worst case scenario, they aren’t that great and will require the offender to be caught in the act while doing their exploits. This does work, but is time consuming. In a perfect world the tools would be near 100% effective, but if they worked that well, you could just automate them. Banning people as they exploit. Its not a perfect world, and thus requires a human element to verify.

As for the ‘high number of contacts’ you can put some of that blame on the so-called ban meta that people espouse to causing the system to get clogged as each ticket needs to be looked into. Hopefully they are identifying false reports and responding accordingly.

Though given all it takes is a throw away email account and a patsy character (could be a stranger on a random server) this isn’t that easy either.

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