Game is dead! FUNCOM try to save it!

There’s 100% not 25k people playing on console . All game modes are dead unless 24k of the
playing single player lol

I’m not exactly certain what this is supposed to mean. Are you implying the majority of posters are just trolling? Work for Funcom or fanboy for them? Say things that are inaccurate just to derail a conversation? I follow these forums often and, while I’m certain there are people that post ‘in bad faith’, your assertion of 99% is hyperbole at best.


Do you work for Steam or Funcom? If not, how do you know what the numbers are?


Well, you certainly post in bad faith. I see tons of people on these forums helping other players. Constructive criticism isn’t a bad thing, but blatant exaggerations help no one.


As far as Conan Exiles being dead. I have no idea what the numbers are, and I’d wager most players don’t know either. I love the game, and see plenty of others on the forums that love it as well. That doesn’t mean much, but since we just got an update and a really big 3.0 update is planned, and we got a new DLC…I’d say those are good signs the game is far from dead. Just my two cents.


The PVP experience is just gotten stale for me as well. Everyone creates black ice cubes on apex peaks with enough anticlimb to look like tinsle and uses 10X as much T1 foundations to spam land claim around it with scatterings of alters (set mostly) and vaults) Then have a stroke when they are deleted for outragous land claim…saying they can’t play anymore because funcom took their only defense for trebs. Just annoying really as the very people that tell people to go to PVE if they are upset with PVP antics are now crying that they don’t like the game because they are now in a position where they may loose stuff.


Bad faith involves an attempt to deceive. For example, saying 99% of people are doing something that many of them aren’t doing. That IS arguing in bad faith. Might want to Google it yourself.


Well that is certainly a way to explain your point.

I never said the complaints were not valid, simply complaining on a forum does nothing to resolve them. I don’t quote numbers or ‘my server…blah blah’ whatever you said. Plain and simple, if you don’t like it, don’t play it or complain to someone, somewhere that may actually be able to do something. This is a public forum meaning, yes you may post almost anything you wish…and likewise anyone else is free to respond.

We are not ‘bad faith’ posters because we don’t immediately jump on your band wagon and start complaining en masse. Before you compose another novella of a response, remember, this is a game that is extremely expansive in its scope and vision. Very hard to make that a perfect world for everyone. Some people will be dissatisfied. If they feel the absolute need to post on a PUBLIC forum, then one should expect responses that may not align. Again, that does not make people bad faith…but if there’s a lake nearby, fill your cup already.


Except that the OP did not say ‘my cup is empty’, to use your example. They said ‘there is no water’. People get understandably sick of seeing unconstructive ‘game is dead’ posts and respond accordingly. If people don’t want push back, it’s quite easy not to claim things that are objectively false.

Would it have been more useful if someone had taken the time to draw out what exactly the OP wants to see change? Sure. But it might also help these situations if the thread didn’t start with empty complaint. I’m sure there are plenty of things wrong with PVP, there always are - but it’s hard for there to be discussion of those things if all that winds up being said is ‘the game is dead’ - hyperbole or not. The first response addressed what little content there was in the original post, from the perspective of a PVP player who likes many of the changes, and other PVP players have also had their say - which suggests there might be something to debate.

“Who is denaying the fact that the game is dead, did you see the number of players on the servers at the raid times?”

“It’s all about numbers.”

Just a couple more quotes from the original poster, suggesting that they are not, in fact, talking about their ‘cup being empty’, but rather about everyone’s ‘cup’ . And by the time they began to discuss what they actually mean, other ‘game is dead’ posters had begun, further derailing the thread. And now you (and now I) are taking it further away still into a meta-debate about people’s right to post their opinions. We seem to agree that the original poster should have the right to feel aggrieved and post about it (I’d just like a bit more substance to the complaint), but you seem to disagree that other people should have the right to respond to another substance-less thread.

As for

Please demonstrate some evidence of bad faith. I see some frustrated responses, but I’d like to see a bit of evidence if you’re going to lob accusations around.


I think pvp is nothing for long time players. Maybe this is why the pvp Cup is fast Empty.

Pvec was one year really dead… So there was even no cup that could be filled. Only few hours it was fixed there where people online. And I am never alone. Prime times 10 to 15 players and most time 3-6 players online. Different players not only the same. I think on my server are 20 players that play constantly and I saw them years ago.
So there is a playerbase for this mode. I think on pvp you lose your base because of a raid and than you start from zero. Maybe you can get your vendetta and than you lose again. After some of this cycles you lose your interest.
Or you are an alpha clan member and destroy everything you see and wondering why people don’t won’t to play on pvp.

For pvpc and pve there is a community.


I say get a new cup because there are active official servers but there are dead ones as well. This all points to a game showing it’s age. Now if you are saying this is all of the sudden, I’m calling BS. I have been playing since 2019 and have seen the decay of activity since PS plus addition only to be boosted each update and then lull down again. This was cyclic until the great drought of late 2020-2021 when there was like 8 updates on PC that couldn’t get on console. The game was decaying naturally but since no update, no bump. This was a significant pain point in the consoles and the main reason why there are many empty servers. Luckily they seem to have understood this and have been working well with ensuring all platforms are getting updated. Siptah got a huge bump but they all played Siptah. I was fully expecting some Exiled Lands servers to be switched to Siptah at that time because it’ was hard just to get into and play in Siptah at any time of day. But they didn’t and they added servers. So it appears a little more sparse. However there are still very active PVP servers out there on both Exiled and Siptah maps. Jump in those if you want to fight your way up. The rest of them are 1-5 clans doing their things and occationally a locust clan will come in and try to wipe the server but this isn’t anything new and I saw it happen back in 2019 so no big change. If players are leaving because the new rules make it harder to pvp…yeah OK and? I thought PVP’ers like challenges…and least that is what their trash talk keeps complaining about. Besides those very PVP trash talking players are the ones that drive off new players from the game…which is the lifeblood of continued support. If you don’t get new players in, you aren’t sustainable since old players eventually leave anyways. So no I don’t support going back to an older way that historically proved to drive new players away. Sorry I would rather loose older players for new players anyday. I know the game will have continued support that way and not be eventually lost. It may not be the same game it started as but that’s called change. I would rather roll with the punches and enjoy learning the new things in the game than continue with the same old same old. Definitely not a fanboy but love the directions the game is going…not sure how long it has as Dune is creepy up to launch and that will take lots of resources away from this game…but I’m going to enjoy what I get for now.


Enough! My cup runneth over with metaphors!


That’s a pretty big assumption that you’re making there. If someone disagrees with you that doesn’t mean they are arguing in bad faith.

I see people here who are willing to go into their opinions in great detail. I see people who obviously put a lot (too much :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) of time and thought into their responses.

They present points and counterpoints, and I have on several occasions seen peoples stance on an issue change completely.

Do tempers sometimes flare and some threads degenerate into forum pvp? Yes, those things do happen. Is this forum packed with fanboys who never have complaints and secret FC employees as I’ve seen argued? No, it absolutely isn’t.

Side note to FC, if you are really secretly paying people to say nice things, where can I apply for that sweet shill money?



HEY! Sure it’s war and peace but my position is usually clear.


Say things in bad faith
In a game’s company payroll

Just got my new profile description. Nice!

It’s a completely different level you give your opinion politely and out of nowhere people start calling you names.
…and that’s why the game is rates M for MATURE


There’s certainly been a lot of posts done in bad faith on the forums, but we clearly disagree on who is doing that.

I still remember when you used to be someone who posted interesting, thought-provoking arguments about PVP. We could use more of that and less of “game suxx now” posts with no content to them. And if saying that makes me a troll, then someone get me a bridge to hide under.

Let’s say you did that. The OP didn’t, but let’s say you did. You know what my reply would be? It wouldn’t be any of that straw man stuff you filled the rest of your paragraph with.

It would be simply “Okay, and?”

Allow me to illustrate:

Okay, and?

Okay, and?

Okay, and?

Okay, what change?

You wanna talk about mental gymnastics and bad-faith arguments? Look no further than your own attempt at reframing this whole discussion as if the OP came here to ask for help and was attacked.

The truth is that nothing OP wrote would have changed the situation, either. OP says they played this game for 3 years. Anyone who has played it that long knows that Funcom does not just go back and revert their changes months later because some people dislike them.

So they came here, posted something that had no chance of improving their situation, but now it’s suddenly our fault because we dared disagree or criticize.

So if someone comes in and says that the new healing system and the removal of cancellation animations “killed the game” and “made them stop playing” and Funcom should go back before it’s too late, they’re not acting like a Karen?

Let me ask you something: have you wondered why people on these forums react this way to a thread of this kind? After all, it would be just as easy to ignore threads like these and let them turn into a Pepperidge Farm circle-jerk.

So why do we bother? Why would anyone bother? It’s because Funcom actually pays attention to the stuff people write here. They wade through this cesspool of “forum PVP” and try to extract some nuggets of actual feedback from it.

Whether you like it or not, the official PVP server players are not the only ones who play this game. If you play official PVP servers exclusively and wade into a discussion about PVE – if you can find any in the sea of whining about how the game is dead – you might see that the first reaction to your arguments won’t be “stfu, you probably don’t even play on PVE servers”.

Meanwhile, telling PVE players to go away and stop posting is par for the course in PVP discussions. But sure, we’re Karens for not wanting Funcom to implement yet another PVP-motivated change that will make PVE less fun. Sure, we’re the ones arguing in bad faith, not those who call us names and paint us as bullies. Sure, we’re the ones who add nothing to the discussion, and not those who say it’s pointless to talk here because “99% of the people here post in bad faith”. :roll_eyes:

EDIT: Added a missing word in a sentence.


The thing is…I’m mostly a PVP player although I am enjoying PVE-C right now as well.


I’m PvE all day. Tried PvP once…once. I’m not saying it was bad, just definitely not my cup of tea.


ok… little reminder…inspired by another topic
conan can’t die…