Hello, I’ve tried looking for a solution to this, but haven’t found one.
Currently I am having trouble get the game to load / log in to a server. During the load up periods the game frequently crashes to desktop with no notification as to why. After repeated attempts several different ways I can get it to log into a server. A process that also crashes frequently. Repeated attempts and I might make it to game. In which case what has happened is after finally making it into game I find that there is a chance at least early on to have the game lock up. If I make it past all that I can at least play. And for those wandering, yes I have verified game files that doesn’t seem to help.
I haven’t seen this one posted anywhere. Any assistance on this even a temporary work around would be appreciated.
What you provided here isn’t exactly a bug report You’re describing a personal experience you’re having without giving almost any information on what kind of game you’re playing… what server… do you have mods… what are your PC specs… all that info There is even a template that you forgot to fill out.
In any case it can still double as an “I need help” thread, but in that case you’re going to need to answer some basic questions like are there any mods on the server… can you play in single player without issues… which version of the game you have (steam / gamepass / epic)… what kind of computer are you playing on… that sort of stuff… u know.
If your game is crashing you could attach a game log for example… after it crashes without restarting the game go to the game folder then ConanSandbox\Saved\Logs and post the ConanSandbox.log file as an attachment here.
Xevyr THanks so with some of those questions,
Server 1945 Official
Steam copy; fun fact I forgot to mention is every time it crashes steam crashes as well.
I currently don’t have or play with mods.
Some specs I pulled from system information;
Microsoft Windows 10 home
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045
System Manufacturer ACER
Model Nitro AN515-54
System x64-based PC
Processor; Intel(R) Core™ i5-9300H CPU @ 2.40GHZ, 2400 Mhz, 4 Cores, 8 Logical Processors
Since the game crashes alot on launch, whether I hit continue or launch from the dash board, and I mean some time even before it gets to main menu to start single player. Eventually if I am persistant enough I can eventually get through, but in which case I am going for my server not singleplayer.
Your game is most likely crashing as a side-effect of your OS instability, your log just gets abruptly interrupted without any information.
This usually has nothing to do with the game and everything to do with your computer.
What I would recommend is clean your PC up a bit, uninstall any unnecessary stuff (like third party antivirus or any weird pointless programs that launch on start. Task manager startup tab should help see some of these)
Also update all your drivers, especially the video ones from the actual chip manufacturer (and NEVER via any general “driver updater / manager” programs as they usually install the wrong stuff)
Based on that model number your laptop most likely has a Nvidia card, in which case the driver you need to install is this one: GeForce Game Ready Driver | 536.40 | Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 | NVIDIA