I placed two iron golems near my base, on the banks of the Nub River. One, with a scythe, wanders around and collects berries and insects. The second one, with a sword, stands guard.
Both are attacked by the local fauna, two shailbacks and one crocodile, and themselves come into conflict with them.
At the same time, the one with the scythe is gradually losing his vitality, and has now already lost more than a third, he now has about 8500 hp.
And the one with the sword, although he receives damage, periodically restores his vitality to 14,000. He never has less than 13,000.
How can this be?
Plus I can’t rename them. Changed names are saved until the end of the current single-player session, and then reset back to their original names.
Has anyone encountered such oddities?
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I had a golem heal once, but never understood the cause. AFAIK, it stood around in my base, damaged from a previous fight, and was at full health when I checked later. Didn’t remember that happened in between.
Golems never lost health with reason, as far as I’ve seen.
They are very, very slow at harvesting, though, at least in single player. And some never worked at all, just standing around.
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