I’m just curious if Gorilla Infants are only on TestLive (if they are) or if they’ve been fully added to the game world?
Seen a few mentions of people acquiring them, but never any conclusive and helpful suggestions of where to find them, sadly.
Any information would be appreciated.
You get Gorillas and others not from baby pets but from chest in Hanumans Grotto. You have to defeat boss there and put some heart in this chest - Heart of Hero, Heart of Nordheimer and some others, then you’ll get a token to acquire Gorilla, Yeti and some other pets.
I’m aware of that way, but with there being Infant Gorillas in the admin panel it would imply they are meant to exist, in one form or another and at some point or another. Another thread:
This one quite specifically, implies that they’re acquirable in the world now’ish.
I have gotten numerous Gorillas and Yetis from Hanumans Grotto before the chances of getting them was lowered significantly, but on “old” characters at this point.
The linked thread is also why I ask, because it has me curious as to whether it is only on TestLive(Again, if it is) or if it has been pushed to the Live Client or not.
I found my baby gorilla in the jungle (of course) but I’ve tried to go back to that location but haven’t found one since, I think I got lucky with the first one, I have a feeling that baby gorilla’s are going to be a rare pet. I wasn’t on Testlive at the time I found the baby gorilla, they are just very rare.
Alrighty! Thank you for the info on not being on Testlive, that helps alot in itself really
Your Welcome !
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