alt lake and they blocked salt lake and sinners. At asgarth and aqueduct it
Well on our official pve-c it’s 3 spammers in 3 clans that belong together, one has a wall from sentinels to sepermeru around unnamed and almost blocking dregs obelisk, one has spam going ftom jungle past summoning, savannah to aqueduct and the third spammed all around asgarth to gods claw to mounds to salt lake and they blocked salt lake and sinners. At asgarth and aqueduct it is so bad that the map is actually broken and assets don’t despawn anymore. They have been reported numerous times but so far nothing has happened
We are sorry, because of covid-19 pandemic all new players are closed for 14 day quarantine.
You can do nothing really… It’s a part of the game - some one just didn’t want you to build near them. They didn’t block obelisk or some important game asset, just your base. Welcome in Conan Exiles.
Welcome to the comunity. I am sorry but i cannot understand exactly what you mean. Is it possible for someone to build inside your base?
What exactly you mean here, is this a joke to someone else’s problem?
Of course it’s joke, i spend 1,5 hour to build wall for this joke.
it says clearly in game rules of conduct
" in extreme cases, for example players preventing others from entering the game area by walling off the spawning area after character creation or completely preventing other players from playing the game in any other way, we may take action if presented with indisputable proof . Action meaning this behavior can lead to bans of the clan or players involved"
“in extreme cases, for example players preventing others from entering the game area by walling off the spawning area after character creation or completely preventing other players from playing the game in any other way” - Didn’t block spawn area and didn’t completly preventing you from playing the game or enter any important to lore area. Pls read the rules with understanding…
using elevators to land claim by using the elevators rope
U are there?
Still can’t read… When it’s important to you, doesn’t mean is important to the game or lore…
I’m afraid the only thing you can do is remove your bracelet, spawn in the desert and start from ground one, building somewhere else. It’s not a pleasant prospect but on PvE-C I don’t think there are many other options. It’s sad how many people there are out there who enjoy ruining the gaming experience of overs. Currently official servers really have no moderation and it doesn’t sound like funcom is planning on changing that anytime soon. If you don’t want to risk this ever happening again you could join a private server with a strict no griefing policy. None of these are really solutions, but there it is.
GEt a bearer and recall it. IF you can make midnight grove potion, then you can leave and return as you need.
- BUILD A HUB CENTER BETWEEN SEP CITY, DREGGS AND UNNAMED CITY. MAKE SURE YOU GET AS CLOSE TO UC AS POSSIBLE. can’t be blocked in there if your backed up against the UC (to be safe, build around an area of the UC another few foundations to keep it from being encircled. A thrall wheel for Relic Hunter Fighters (really good archers) would suffice.
- Tame 4-5 T4 Bearers. Don’t worry about leveling them, you just need the 30 slots, and have them placed at your main base. I named my shipping companies lol.
- When ever you want to leave your main base go thru a map room if you have one there, or use midnight grove potion, then leave via Set city.
- Play game as normal.
- When done, and ready to take mats back to main base, then put everything in chests at the dreggs/UC hub.
- Pull bracelet, and have a bearer follow you out of your main base.
- go to hub, and fill bearer thrall. Have it stop following inside to avoid being aggroed into fights. (DO NOT HAVE IT STAND GUARD, JUST STOP FOLLOWING)
- Repeat 6 and 7 until you have your mats out of chests.
- Log out and then back into server. After @ 15 minutes, the thralls will be in your base with everything. You can now separate and store, craft, etc in side your main base. Eff the Trolls.
If all is done right, it takes roughly 5 minutes to load up all the thralls at the hub, and another 10-15 to have them return home with everything. Some extra work, but like i said , Eff the Trolls.
Please read our official server rules and procedures: