So today on official 1520 November 23 at around 2PM everyone’s thralls and inventory was somehow removed. Logs say lootbag decayed for all of it, screenshot below.
This smells like blue ranger is back but I have no proof of this, regardless, it seems that someone is able to hack/cheat and kill hard earned stuff on PvE servers.
I would say this is a serious issue and it should be looked at ASAP. Also a rollback would be nice but you probably dont care enough to do that.
Furthermore, instead of adding features that nobody asked for (inventory revamp is a complete and utter mess) maybe focus on what is important to your diminishing player base.
Here’s a free game design tip for you: look at the sate of the game when AoS was released, over 40k playing, that was the best iteration and it showed much promise. Now we’re under 8k if that. So whatever youre doing is NOT WORKING.
Go back to that. Go back to what works, its not hard. Here’s a list of what I think you can do now:
Remove this crapfest of an inventory system, it wasn’t broken and now it is.
Make the new thrall living settlement system optional on the client and allow thralls to be re-itemized to protect them from you and hackers.
Undo the combat changes you did to make it harder, it isn’t harder its more annoying and the physics make no sense
Return the ability to repair legendary weapons, it did not have the effect you thought it would. If there is a mod for it then it means players want it
Fix the godamn foundation bug, I get it its complicated, but I don’t care, fix it.
Remove the 8 hour wait time between quest steps for the companions, why is that there? What game design feature does this serve other than hurt players when they lose companions to hackers and bugs?
You promised to communicate with us, do it.
MCEGA - Make Conan Exiles Great Again or just abandon it at AoS version and leave it be.
This is fantastic advice. Would you care to demonstrate by doing this very thing yourself and finding something new to play with your time?
I believe you don’t understand the purpose of having PvE versus PVP servers. Perhaps try reading the helpful FAQ’s there are on the forum, since you’re new!
You probably already know this – but operational concerns that are taking place right now on official servers, your best bet is to open a Zendesk support ticket.
It is indeed Blue Ranger™. He was on Server 1504 this morning and deleting all thralls as well as mounts, etc. and killed player avatars (including offline). Additionally he destroyed a number of player bases. Please rollback 1504 to last nights reboot and address this security issue going forward.
Well what is wild to me is your determination to compensate whatever by doing mess like this. I guess at least some control and “power” in a PC game is better than no control over your real life, right?
I would argue about who is the crybaby here, mate.
I do play on PvP servers but sometimes I just like to build or do the new content like the quests for the companions. Which you deleted after I spent almost 2 weeks getting them. There’s more to this game then PvP and new content is always fun. Some things cannot be done on a PvP server though.
So your argument is moronic and whtever you’re trying to achieve here will fail. None of us will do what you want because we don’t negotiate with terrorists. Funcom may or may not do something about it, but we will not stop raising the issue because you have no power over anyone
The coward here is you, going around griefing people because your dad abandoned you? You’re worthless and weak. Just like your dad thought when he left.
Thats not what people are doing. We play on PvE servers to do PvE content, like the new companion on quests or building structures. Things we can’t do on a PvP server.
But you’re too stupid to even understand this so why do I bother.
You’re just a cheater and a now a troll, hopefully @Funcom will do something to protect the community from scumbags like you.
Explaining anything to people like this is a waste of time. They only thrive on making others upset, because they have nothing else in their lives to do.
I just don’t understand why hacking and cheating, I mean like - do they feel like machos, learning few stupid techniques which even trained monkey could learn and maybe better than them?
Something to feel good about in gaming sphere is to be good in PvP without cheating and kick ■■■■■ in fair way, but there is no skill in this.
It’s probably sad ranger’s only life achievement to boast about, hiding behind his monitor.
I too play on 1520 and while I did not lose as much as others the exploit needs to be fixed. Cheaters and hackers love to interrupt the lives and worlds of others and it would be nice for it to stop. When I logged in my alts and they came into the world it definitely said You were killed by Blue Ranger. It flashed by so fast I could not get a screen shot. I really do think Funcom needs to investigate this and replace all that was lost. They have database information on what each player had and lost per server.
I’m starting to suspect that F u c o n itself might be enabling these cheats to keep official servers underpopulated, avoiding the need for support or optimization. This could be a strategy to push players toward private servers or offline play, effectively selling a service they have no intention of properly delivering. A player who buys the game but doesn’t play it is the ideal customer for them. We need to warn new and potential players about the reality of what they’re purchasing. Spread the word as widely as possible, starting with Steam reviews.
Official pve means: you are safe. Other players can’t hurt me, it means there is no threat to me outside of the nature of the game.
The company promises this to you on the official PVE server. sells this.
And someone comes along and harms the official pve with admin authority or by cheating. People who are supposed to be safe are losing everything!!!
This is the damaged prestige of funcum! funcum couldn’t keep his promise. This is unacceptable. This is a loss of prestige. Brand prestige is very important. They have to take this seriously. This is a scandal. This is a huge scandal.
They should initiate legal proceedings against the person who did this and demand compensation. This is not an ordinary game bug.
Friends, if my funcum is unconscious right now, the reason may be that legal action has started.
Legal actions will solve nothing anyway, if the system that allows hacking and cheating is not solved.
People like sad ranger will go all the miles to get another account for cheat price and will repeat the same stuff again. Baning one their account will solve nothing.
You throw them out from the door, they will come back through windows.
same for me on saturday on server 1977 lost a lot of thralls lvled and geared mount dancers, archers, thralls i got in purge and was in cages waiting to be lvled. All log says is that their lootbags decayed, no death registers.