I believe that I have seen a thread about this before, but I cannot find it.
Would it be possible to include an option which allows for health bars and names on thralls to disappear when they are not following you?
Now I realize that you can toggle that on and off in the gameplay settings, but it would be nice if there was an option that turned off bars and names automatically when your thralls are guarding, or otherwise idle, without having to go in and out of the settings. Yes, I am being completely lazy. XD
But I think this should be an easy enough feat to include.
My health bas are constantly showing. I had to adjust the slider because otherwise, the bars never showed. They showed once a thrall was directed to follow, but never again until they went idle. As soon as an action was taken the bar disappeared and would only show again after idle/follow me.
I lost a thrall against a boss this way because I could not see their health during combat.
I made a report about it, with screenshots a while back.
So now there are bunches of red bars everywhere in my base if I do not toggle them off, so yes, you are correct, I wish they would go away when the thralls are idle.