Basic Info:
Platform: PC - Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Private Online (reproduced in Singleplayer)
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands (reproduced on Siptah)
Server Name: The Exiled Lands
Mods: A few but reproduced in single player without mods
Bug Description:
Using a potion or food item with a HP buff will give you the HP correctly and your health will increase but after a while the buff will remain active but extra HP is lost
Bug Reproduction:
- Use a HP buffing food or elixir (Buff and HP are updated correctly)
- Wait for > 10 minutes (Buff continues, extra HP is lost)
- After buff runs out (2 hours in testing), HP is reduced again (60 HP in testing) to below original health
Both screenshots taken from a level 60 character with no points in Vitality. I have tried to figure out what is causing the HP loss but I can’t. Losing health to fighting works correctly, bandaging and aloe pots work as expected, eating other food doesn’t affect the buff. It just seems to happen after a certain period of time.
Screenshot 1: HP and Buff are correct shortly after using elixir
Screenshot 2: Buff is correct, HP is not