Hello Funcom, we have to talk

Hello gentlemen of Funcom, I write this post to encourage you to again support this wonderful game and do not let it die, in ps4 has received a lot of players for being free this month, and those new players deserve a good game. Please do not abandon him, this game has many possibilities, you just have to put effort, work and constancy and you will get back to glory this great game. If anyone from Funcom listens to me, it’s a big fan of this game who bought it for him on opening day and loved it. I trust you ladies and gentlemen of Funcom, you can do great things if you propose with Conan exiles.

A greeting and I hope that my post will be heard and not be forgotten


Thanks for your support! We will continue to push out content and patches with more fixes and changes. :slight_smile: Awesome to hear you’ve been here from day 1.


I can really appreciate this. Today is my 2-year anniversary. Wish I could’ve joined sooner, but I was still devoted to the PS4 which at the time had a severe lack of Conan. :wink:

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I also been here a while now amd cant get on most time. Plus on my server stuff keeps disappearing. It is madding and not easy to contact the support.

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Be patient friend, we have to trust them

This game has really came a long ways since the early days in Early Access when the desert was all we had the bugs then to what we had at launch was a significant change and from launch to now i still see massive improvements and can’t wait to see what’s all on the horizon

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