This is early feedback on the getting dismounted by combat action, as well as combat stamina and stamina regeneration.
Falling Off Mechanic
When your horse loses all of it’s stamina and you/your horse are hit, your character is “knocked off” the horse. Currently, what your character does is that it “pops up” and stands either on top of your horse (while not moving) or finds themselves standing straight up on the ground (horse moving). It feels kinda awkward and immersive breaking.
It certaintly does the job for now. But I would like to see a fall mechanic/animation added. You get knocked off your horse and your character falls flat on their back, and takes 2-3 seconds to get up, kind of thing. Or maybe your horse stops, rears up, and then your character falls of, something along those lines. The same thing happens when the horse dies.
Another idea I thought might be something to consider is having the horse sprint away (just a short distance, within render range for sure) in a brief moment of panic when the character is dismounted. This would be harder to implement since the horse takes on pet behaviors when you are dismounted, but just an idea.
Stamina Loss
One thing I do like is that your character is out of stamina when they fall off, and unable to do anything until your stamina regenerates. So while you have been dismounted, you are unable to do anything until you recover your stamina fully.
However, and this could be a bug, once your stamina regenerates, you are able to remount your Horse at any point, even though your Horse’s stamina hasn’t fully replenished. It will be low for sure (especially if you are in combat with multiple enemies), but you can still remount until the stamina is once again depleted (where the process begins anew). I’m okay with this, but I wonder if the system shouldn’t be more strict and disallow you from mounting all together until your horse also has full endurance.
Stamina - Horse Regeneration
At a level 1 horse, with the lowest level of saddle, you can go full sprint for a good deal of time. You can also engage in combat for a decent amount of time and not lose a lot of stamina for a bit. That’s fine. What I do think needs to be more strict is the regeneration when you fully run out. You can sprint for forever, use up all the horse’s stamina entirely, and be fully regenerated within seconds. There should be more penalty to that I think.
Stamina - Player While Mounted
This appears intended as far as I can tell, but when your character swings their weapon in combat while mounted, no stamina at all is consumed. I think this should be changed so that they consume appropriate amounts of stamina while mounted. Unless that part is a bug, then consider that my report on the matter heh heh.