So recently horses have been getting stuck usually while following if I climb something or jump over something the horse will stay there permanently, I have had the horse not teleport to my position for up to an hour before and I’ve had to go to it location and retrieve it or get another horse to follow me so its on scouting and eventually ends up home, it’s a pain having to babysit a horse thats following me.
at least your horses are still alive. I only lost one again on Monday. Level 20, good values, a great animal. I still saw it in the map room. when I arrived in sepermeru, the message appeared that it has died.
just like weeks before my mammoth. and in front of it a horse and a Dalinsia (level 20, legendary weapon, armor. It was a monster!) on the red eye obelisk.
it is annoying and just sad.
I have to take important things in my inventory, teleport myself overloaded and hope that my companions survive. Then I can only clear the things in their inventory.
Specifically map rooms and when climbing or hopping over things it seems unless your moving in an area where it can path effectively with no obstacles it will get stuck occasionally and it seems to be getting more frequent, I thought it had something to do with a thrall and horse following at the same time but it appears it makes no difference.
Unfortunately, we’re unable to provide any refunds of materials or equipment lost, as there is no MMO-like admin support for the game in official servers.
We appreciate the additional information provided and will relay it to the developers.
If your horse/pet/thrall is stuck somewhere and does not follow you properly, try to click his stats in the followers list. This normally forces it/him to teleport right behind you