Horse died while following you (2x by now)

Game mode: [Enter game mode here: ( Single-player)]
Type of issue: [ Misc]
Server type: [pve]
Region: [EU]

twice i lost a good horse because it died following me, once after aexiting a dungeon it got teleported out of the map, the other time it was close to me but invisible(probably inside a mountain)
Very annoying especially since its carrying other stuff

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. try climbing while horse follows, or zoning in and out
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TO help, which Obelisk fo rthe port, and where on teh map for the invisible one.

I have not had this issue, ever,. But I do believe people who say they have it happen. The best way to help figure it out is to try and see if there are areas where others can try and recreate, as well as Funcom. Recreating helps figure out the issues because they can monitor what was going on first hand.

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ZOning in and out of the unamed city dungeon sewers. SO back to the entrance, the horse was way of the map to the south, (outside playzone) and died.
Second time it was in zone J7 near the éye that never closes’ Horse was invisible after climbing a mountainside. prolly inside it, and died

Any mods? If so, please list so we can attempt to isolate the cause.



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Thanks. I will try to replicate on SP this weekend.

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Another one died # 3, zoning via the map room

Better thralls v 1.9.5
shodows of skelos extended
Age of Calamitous
Less building restr v 7.1.4
Pippi user & server management v3.2.5
Age of calamitous rp add-on
Hosav’s custom ui mod revamped

I play via steam

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I had one die pathing to me on a unmodded server and got trapped by a spearman, I ran nearly half a grid to try to get it to teleport and 5 minutes later I got the " has been killed " notice. If horses have the recall button, I tried it and it didnt’ work. I went back along my path and the horse had routed through a village and gotten trapped against some palisaids in the village and ( i presume ) speared to death instead of teleporting

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