How do I set up PayPal? My payments always fail

Funcom uses a payment system designed by PayPal called Payment Preapproval. This system allows PayPal, normally a “one time” payment method , to accept preapproved payment methods for repeated payments such as subscriptions.

Preapproval Process

Once PayPal has been chosen as the payment method, players are redirected to the PayPal website to login and register the preapproval.

After logging in, players can Approve the preapproval so that Funcom will not have to be repeatedly authorized.

If you do not select a secondary funding source before you approve, your payment will fail.

Secondary Funding Source

Funcom requires players to have a secondary or backup funding source even if there is enough credit on the PayPal account to cover the balance. Players will need to register and select a Secondary Funding Source.

Registering a Secondary Funding Source

Log into your PayPal account and access your wallet:

Here you can link a credit card as a secondary funding source.

Choosing a Secondary Funding Source

If you have already authorized a Preapproved Payment for Funcom, you can select a Backup/Secondary Funding Source with these instructions.

Visit You may need to log back into your account.

You can select the Funcom Payment here. There is an option to change the Backup/Secondary payment method on the Preapproved Payment Details page. You will be able to choose any payment method that has been successfully linked to your PayPal account.