Hundreds of hours gone again...... thanks funcom

Game mode: [ Select one: Online official ]
Type of issue: [ Select one: Bug ]
Server type: [ Select one: PvP ]
Region: [ Amercia ]
Hardware: [ PS4 ]

Bug Description:

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Server transfer issues still!
I lost another character [edited by admin]
I went to transfer from official pvp siptah to official pvp exiles and got the infamous bad token error which has been around for how long now??? I still have my main character from orignal exiles so I was like you know what i still have my main guy ill transfer over and take care of my things but i cant even do that becuase the garbage “cooldown” so basically i cant even play the game unless i start from scratch for 70 hrs.[edited by admin]

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. spend countless hours on a game you paid for and numerous dlcs
  2. upload your character
  3. boom
  4. [edited by admin]
  5. waiting for a huge bug to be fixed but that’ll proly never happen.

You can file a Zendesk report they have helped some people with this issue. Google Zendesk is probably the easiest way good luck.


So you know when my wife lost her character Funcom offered to fix it for her. But over the weekend she had started with a new character on the server she was getting transferred to and gifted with a bunch of goodies from other players so decided not to use the help.

Sorry to say, but they can’t recover the characters, and they don’t really help, all they do is try and repush the transfer token, which is no good as the token is what gets corrupted, it’s nice other player’s have helped with a fresh character, but that’s not the point is it

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Agreed. My only knowledge is what I have seen and read have been playing on private servers almost exclusively since the beginning.

yea i dont mind leveling a charcater i made a new guy just to play on the server for now with my dad cause thats how we sepnd time together living so far away an all. Played for like 2 hrs and was lvl 26 already it just majorly sucks since i lost a thrall and gear and mainly all the recipes from all over both maps that i had leraned takes the lonegest especially since you cant do dungeons unless you have a thrall.

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Please send a ticket over at Zendesk and our team will assist you. As it was communicated several times, on our channels we are aware of issues with the character transfer feature but in most cases, we are able to assist if you submit a ticket.

Our team awaits your ticket.