I demand you make new dlc with new character faces and races. I demand a kambujan race

You guys need to make money somehow… and were giving you advice.

Try submitting a polite suggestion instead of a list of demands.


Might help if the suggestion included some details regarding the content, too.

But yeah, unless you happen to be the majority stockholder, you’re in no position to make demands. Saying “please” (or your equivalent in your native language) is something parents usually start teaching their kids at the age of two or three, but it’s never too late to learn.


you speak from personal experience?

Regarding all aspects of my post, yes.

  1. Suggestions with more detail get taken into consideration more often than vague ideas.
  2. I cannot make demands to Funcom since I’m not a majority stockholder.
  3. My parents taught me to ask nicely if I wanted something when I was little, and over the years I have discovered that politeness is more effective than rudeness. Including on these forums.



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