I feel that the latest update should be pulled instead of waiting for a hotfix

There has been post after post about people loosing their high level followers to many different issues.

Many people have reported that purges are teleporting or spawning inside of bases

These are not trifling bugs like the horses following too closely. They are major game breakers and the players only option is to log in long enough to make sure their bases dont decay and not play the game

We all spend allot of valuable time leveling up, gathering the materials to build that tier III base only to have it seriously damaged and loose its guards

We spend a considerable amount of time capturing and leveling up NPC’s to hopefully get good stats and when we do get that gem of a follower we loose it to unacceptable simple bugs

The standard…we are aware of the problem and will have the developers look into a fix simply isn’t good enough for something this serious

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A hotfix has been deployed recently. You can follow this update here to keep track of all the bugs that have been resolved:

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We get it, you’re upset. 7 active topics created by you is more than enough to show that.


Guess that is how we are getting post after post :slight_smile: .