Got a job that needs doing but unsure whom to contact?
Add your character and their skill set to this thread! Lets see if this helps open up more people for in-character interaction and connections.
Characters Connections Questionnaire:
Connection for: < Call-sign/nickname at least. Org if you wish to add it. >
Character faction: < Omni, Clan, Neutral or RP-ing as something else altogether? >
Class: < Optional, feel free to add the class or whatever they may play as IC. >
Factions the character would work with: < Are they staunchly loyal to their one faction and avoiding all other contact? Are there instances they would work with others factions? >
Skills: < Describe skills which are public knowledge that others may approach your character for. For example, they’re knows as hackers, medics, a fashion designer or baker etc. >
How you might find out about the character: < Is their contact information publically available? Did someone tell you about them? >
How to contact the character: < Do you prefer in-game tells or mail? Do you prefer the initial contact to be IC or OOC? >
The above points are the minimum basic. Feel free to add other details, like any story lines your character is currently running, RP style and so on.
Location Info Questionnaire:
Location: < In-character name of the establishment. >
Establishment type: < What type of place is it? Who would use it? >
Faction Zone: < What faction controls the location of this establishment? >
Faction Accessibility: < Which factions can access or are accepted at this location? >
In-game location: < Where can this spot be found in-game? >
How might you find out about the place?: < Is their contact information publicly available? Did someone tell you about it? >
How to contact the location owner: < How to get in touch with the location’s owner? >
Character faction: Clan, with a Unionist aligned ideology.
Class: Martial Artist, in-character she’a also a former ICC Peacekeeper
Factions the character would work with: Maintains polite relations with any faction. Would offer assistance to Clan members and neutrals. Would work with Omni only if it somehow benefits the clans or it’s an extraction.
Skills: Can be hired as a bodyguard, convoy security or scout. Familiar with the desert areas of Rubi-Ka; often traveling to investigate potential caravan routes.
How you might find out about the character: You might hear about her from Revanda at the Happy Rebel if you’re Clan or from an ICC Peacekeeper. If you’re Omni, you may have access to an Omni-Pol file on her.
How to contact the character: Send IC messages through in-game tells or mail. Can contact OOC to set up an IC meeting; if contacting OOC, please use (( … )) or similar to indicate you are out of character.
Omni Characters:
Connection for: Sara “Gumiho” Renard, Department 45
Character faction: Omni
Class: Fixer
Factions the character would work with: Omni and Neutral, would be cautious around most Clan personnel.
Skills: Skilled with RK grid and communications, especially at tracking communications and following financial trails.
How you might find out about the character: Would be in Omni personnel files as former OT-AF and Omni-Pol officer. You are also likely to see her eating pizza around Newland City.
How to contact the character: IC messages through tells or in-game mail.
Connection for: Little Pieces, Freelance Fixer, IGN: “Piexes”
Character faction: Neutral
Class: Fixer
Factions the character would work with: Anyone with credits or a cause close to her own heart.
Skills: smuggling, running and talking herself out of bad situations
How you might find out about the character: Retired Smuggler and Ex-Freedom Fighter Volunteer, exposed during the Borealis riots when her smuggling skills were used during the evacuation. Experienced with smuggling messages and small amounts of contraband between both sides of the conflict.
How to contact the character: Tells, Mail and Random Chance Encounters (OOC is fine for Tells and Mails but IC is preferred, if you can’t reach Piexes in game via /tell try Qora.).
Factions the character would work with: Clan only, including the Sentinels.
Skills: Modifying and Creating nano-formulae.
How you might find out about the character: Self-taught student of nano-technology operating out of a small workshop in Tir, frequent drinker and present in the nearby area.
How to contact the character: Mail and Random Chance Encounters (IC Only via Mail, if you can’t reach Miinq in game via /tell try Qora.).
Connection for: Amber “Exeunt” Jack, aka Fish, aka Tench, aka Haring, aka Muriel Soul, aka Minnow Whitetail – the list goes on
Character faction: Clan
Class: Shade – timeshare agent, merchant, peddler and antiquarian in one bag
Factions the character would work with: While she works mainly with clanners and neutrals, she isn’t opposed to taking things and money from private Omni-Tek employees. She does, however, treat them warily
Skills: Mercantile and organizational jack of all trades; diplomatic; getting in and out of places
How you might find out about the character: Has a vast collection of weird memorabilia and connections to families poor, rich, nearly unknown and moderately known for their eccentricities. She also travels, sometimes setting up a stand. Some might notice her using several aliases when selling or buying things of multiple different kinds in gridforums.
How to contact the character: She will answer any tells and mail IC. If bumping into her randomly, please don’t hesitate to tell me you’re IC.
Factions the character would work with: Izzy deals with clanners and neutrals gladly. Omni situational but not positive.
Skills: Has your trusty Kodaik given up the ghost in the middle of nowhere, leaving you in need of a mechanic? Need parts only Omni has, or somebody found? Need your code checked, misplaced - ahem - your - ahem - password? Messages memorized and passed on? Call this number! Animal pelts and raw food are not valid currency. Half up front.
How you might find out about the character: Izzy is one of the many independent fixers here and there, and word of mouth from any hypothetical fixer or trader extra is a good excuse to have her number.
How to contact the character: Send tells. Check the local bar… especially ones in clan/neutral trade skill shops. Please signal you’re IC; the character in general is at least semi-IC.
Class: Doctor. Medic, can patch you up and have a nice beer or scotch with you.
Factions the character would work with: Work? She doesn’t work. She has fun, dances, makes jokes and enjoys life. But if work is required, she’ll sigh and do it good and fast to get back into partying. Clans are a given, neutrals she has no problems with mostly. As for Omni-Tek employess she doesn’t trust them much but that can always be changed if the employee knows how to have fun.
Skills: She can patch people up, and also harm people if required. She’s especially adept at controlling her nanobots to heal or harm, but prefers not to.
How you might find out about the character: Probably seen her in a bar or a GSP concert. She’ll be there either drinking or dancing. Sometimes running around Clan cities pranking people or bothering grownups to be less…grownuppy.
How to contact the character: Use your datapad to message her handle, especially if it’s about hanging around and enjoying good music. By default it’s IC. Specify if OOC.
Connection for: Geoffrey “Mrmoll” Bradford (Excuse extra ‘l’. Only back as froob for now)
Character faction: Omni-Tek
Class: Soldier. Omni-AF Commander
Factions the character would work with: Omni employees, of course. Eagerly even. Will happily converse with, and where possible, work with Neutrals. Will work with Clans when ordered, or when desperate.
Skills: General combat skills. Strategic mind and as philosophical as a Omni can be. Expert social schmoozer. Great at snobby events.
How you might find out about the character: May be known for his tenure as an important AF official during Borealis occupation. Has been in news here and there. Was a facet of the Omni-1 social scene. Relatively low profile lately, but still easily findable in Omni databases.
How to contact the character: Tells are always easiest. In game mail. Generally used IC, but of course will respond OOC.
Factions the character would work with: Omni-Tek, very loyal. Will deal with neutrals as needed. Will not deal with clan.
Skills: Nano programming, likes to tinker with implants as a hobby.
How you might find out about the character: High ranking Omni-Pol officer.
How to contact the character: Will accept OOC tells or mail if you want to set something up. Can be seen patrolling Omni areas or in Newland by the bronto burger, he likes their coffee. Will accept walk up IC contact.
Factions the character would work with: Clan. Sometimes neutrals, but is mistrusting of them. Will not work with OT employees unless they are an informant, spy etc). In case of a global emergency, she might feel pressured to co-op with OT, but won’t like it one bit. I do not want her to be pressured into that for OOC reasons.
Skills: Network. Can usually get people what they need through her contacts. Experienced mindshifter.
How you might find out about the character: She is a well-known and staunch Sentinel supporter, CoT supporter, former CoT clerk and public figure. Link to her public personal file. If you are omni, you may assume she’s had various degrees of warrants for arrest/interrogation since 29477/78.
How to contact the character: IC walk up, IC tells, public channels (RKrole) or ingame mail. Always prefer IC, but am open to OOC for practical reasons and planning.
Factions the character would work with: Clan primarily, but will work with neutrals and Omni-tek for the right reasons.
Skills: Vehicle Mechanic, Hover Racing, Salvager
How you might find out about the character: Co-owner of a salvage yard in Meetmedere, active public forumer for racing enthusiasts.
How to contact the character: Walk ups, discord tags, and tells encouraged, but I’m highly flexible with the needs of groups and what not. Can locate me on AO Discord as Bubba/Towerblock. If tagged there, I’ll answer as soon as I see it.
Connection for: “Elswyth” Alwynne, Novice of the Order of The Dearest Light. (Callcode: Elswyth)
Character faction: Neutral.
Class: OOC Class- Agent. IC-class, undefined, but specializes in nanoprograms with very little physical combat experience.
Factions the character would work with: Unconcerned with the politics of factions, but will actively (albeit nonviolently, if she can help it.) oppose that which brings conscious harm to the populace.
Skills: Skilled with counseling and comfort care (in reference to the wounded). Very experienced (but not expert-level) in the use of nanoprograms as a whole. Completely inept at physical combat.
How you might find out about the character: Likely difficult to hear of, but there would be vague rumors occasionally popping up, of a healers’ house styled after old temples.
How to contact the character: IC Walk-Up Permitted, assuming you ICly encounter her. IC-tells, ALSO depending on method of communication. Ingame mail as well, though the letter would be directed (ICly) to the head of the cloister. OOC tells, OOC mails, OOC-chatter as well, for the sake of planning and convenience over all.
Factions the character would work with: Clan, possibly Neutrals if it involves collaborating on a work-related issue. Not inclined to work with Omni unless otherwise ordered to by superiors.
Skills: Trained in both traditional and nano based medicine. Most often called in to help with Reclaim Terminal failures, autopsies and on murder investigations.
How you might find out about the character: Contact information is publicly listed on the grid feed.
How to contact the character: Send IC messages through in-game tells or mail. Can contact OOC to set up an IC meeting; if contacting OOC, please use (( … )) or similar to indicate you are out of character.
Character faction: Clan
Class: Nano Technician
Factions the character would work with: Depending on employers wishes. To some degree, any.
Skills: Jobe educated Nano technician. Nano Engineering and nanite science. Some basic first aid, from work.
How you might find out about the character: She has worked in “Angels of the Night”, which among other services, runs Armed Rapid Response Medic services. The ARRM services, is basically hostile medic services with armed crew; in Tam’s case, as NT artillery. Mostly against mutant, monsters, aliens, etc. Currently writing a thesis on Nanotech, she migfht be remembered from Jobe, as student, or from ARRM medic duties.
How to contact the character: Both Ingame mail and tells, can work well. Also discord as Psyloche.