There is a thread dedicated to getting help with the Dedicated Server Launcher. Read through some of the tips and suggestions and if you aren’t able to figure it out, post a detailed question, there are lots of people willing to help.
Yes, continuing a save from your single player is as simple as copying the database file to the DSL.
Many thanks for the reply but I still cannot creat my own server. Literally stuck at Port Fowarding steps .
So I created 2 Port Fowarding: one for the server and one for the Steam Source Query Port.
These are the setup for the server and the Steam one:
Name: ConanExiles (Steam)
Protocol: TCP and UDP
WAN Connection: Auto
WAN Host IP Address: 172.252.x.x ~ 172.252.x.x
LAN host:
WAN port: 7779 ~ 7780 ( 27016 ~ 27016 for Steam )
LAN host port: 7779 ~ 7780 ( 27016 ~ 27016 for Steam )
Both said: Your data has been stored.
But when I setup the Game Clien Port = 7779 , RAW UDP Port = 7780, Source Query Port = 27016 then I press “Test Port Accessibility” . It came back with red lights and the report said: “The testing of the port was not successful” for 3 things above.
Hope you or someone could help me. My friends and I are devastated if we keep on playing on Coop mode because we all come from different countries.