Game mode: [Online | Admin server]
Problem: [Bug | Performance]
Region: [FR]
We have an issue since last patch about drop bags. If we try to exchange items. When a player in an other CLAN drop an item out of his inventory, no one can take this item. (The drop bag said : “You cannot take this item”)
It seems a rights problem. We cant trade on our PVE server. I don’t know if this patch affected only PVE servers… I’m surprised than no one speaking about this problem on the forum.
Actually, this issue stop the trading system on our RP server, so people stop playing.
In a second time, speaking about performance, all of our cities on our server lost more than 20fps than before, so performance decreased since the patch.
Thx for reading, and have a good day, and a good hotfix
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- Patch bug
- Hotfix no changes
- This is a specific problem from PVE server.