Improving Journey Functionality and Expanding Tutorial Content for a Better Player Experience

I wanted to bring to your attention some issues with the Journeys, which serve as the game’s tutorial. Unfortunately, it seems these Journeys often get broken with each update. For instance, in this update, the “Thrall Taker” Journey step requiring players to assign a thrall to a crafting station is not currently possible to complete. I kindly request that you check the functionality of the Journeys when releasing new expansions. These expansions attract new players to the game, and it’s essential that the tutorial works as intended to provide a smooth onboarding experience.

Additionally, I have a few suggestions regarding missing Journeys that could enhance the game. For example:

  • A Journey to gather all emotes.
  • A Journey to listen to all the lore stones.
  • A more comprehensive “Cartographer” Journey that includes visiting all major areas, not just a select few.
  • A Journey that guides players through each dungeon and instance in sequence, functioning as a main questline.

Dungeon delver, my one unfinished :anguished:

Wait, why? I’m currently working on that one but what stopped you? I was stopped at thrall taker and master chef :frowning:

Lost 2 level 20 berserkers in the well of skelos and then the age of heroes hit. Never got back to it.

Oh no!!! I’ll try to prepare for it :-/

I always felt the journey system should not just function as the tutorial, but the main progression of one’s character. Eliminating the level up system entirely, one would complete a set of journey challenges in order to obtain attribute points through feats of strength and prowess. Then obtain basic recipes through a natural set of progression in one’s tradeskills. And then advanced recipes (such as epic armors and weapons, as well as exotic materials such as obsidian and eldarium), through a mixture of both (learning advanced craft, but also dealing with unique challenges as well).

The result would be a character that actually has real accomplishments as they complete all of the available steps and the strength and knowledge to go with. Not simply a level 60 character who killed hundreds of pigs or crafted thousands of foundations.

A character no longer defined by an abstract number, but one defined by actual accomplishments.

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There are couple bugs existent with the Journey system. Ones that should be ironed out a bit before adding more to it

That having been said, this one agrees that it would be nice to see it expanded upon and possibly revised.

That said, a mandate to gather all emotes does little to point one in the direction of said emotes.

Likewise, several lorestones are in… Obscure… Locations.

If they are to be added, it would be nice if those journey steps could include a clue as to where to at least start looking, so a prospective adventurer may feel confident not just looking for a video detailing the locations of such objectives.

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I would like that a lot, but I don’t trust Funcom to do it properly. More likely, we would end up having our progress stopped by bugs if it was tied to journey steps.
The idea is great, but sadly we know by now how Funcom implements such ideas…

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I think they need to be divided to basic, intermediate, and advanced.

Oh hell no!

Not that I don’t like the suggestion, just not to replace a well established system.
The last thing Conan needs is funcom even attempting a major over haul of the journey steps/leveling system. Just look what they did to the UI/menus. Still broke how many months later? And are there still not broken journey steps from the last update of what 2 months ago?

Not as a journey step but maybe as a game challenge. And the rewards be very specific, like the climbing gear fro reaching the peak. Say a “happy dance” emote for collecting all the emotes; note fix missing ghosts.

Or collecting all the notes unlocks a big titled book, open or close on a reading stand.

And finding all the lore stones unlocks lore stone ornaments.

But not sure about clues. I’d prefer just to leave them as completionist challenges with a reward, not part of the journey paths.


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