Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Official 1500
Bug Description:
Some weapons do not display properly, at least on the triple weapon display rack. Two examples I know of are the Great Axe of the North and Conan’s Atlantean Sword.
Bug Reproduction:
Place weapon. In the case of Conan’s Atlantean Sword place weapon, leave render, return.
To piggyback on this report;
Yoggite Cudgel and Giant’s Fingerbone
Just opinion, but I think they should be rotated 90 on the vertical axis.
Same with Glacier-Crack here…
…but I think Ice Shard Arrow too should be fixed, because as you’ll soon see…
…arrows do render, but just aren’t placed correctly. Considering Set Arrow, Hollowbone Arrow, Mandibles of Atlach-Nacha, and Quivering Arrow can be seen here sticking up above the back of the Single-Slot Weapon Display Rack, it’s clear they were meant to be allowed to display, they just need to be brought into the right spot.
Akbitanan Throwing Knife is the only one of it’s kind, so I don’t know if it was meant to show, BUT the dagger Akbitanan Blades does show so I dunno why the throwing knife version couldn’t. Plus both other throwing uniques (Fangs of the Red Mother and Unwelcome Gift) also display, so it seems right to make it displayable.
Next, there’s…
…Final Breath of the Red Mother, which you can see a tiny portion on the back of this SSWDR, and it’s up-side down as well. Then there’s…
…Broken Glass, which is way off the SSWDR, but that’s probably because it’s an axe. But it could definitely use repositioning, if that’s possible. And finally, there’s…
…Bindings of the Dead, which I have to rally a bit for. It’s true, there’s no other example of this type of Tool (Bindings) being properly displayed… however surely it being a Tool at all should qualify it, right? There’s a model for Bindings of the Dead and other Bindings being in the hand, surely it shouldn’t cost extra modelling effort to allow them to show on a SSWDR.