Basic Info:
Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Single Player
Map: Exiled LandsBug Description:
The graphics of the single-slot weapons rack is glitched. Although the rack itself is displayed normally, the weapon in it is shown in the wrong spot, in a wrong orientation.
Bug Reproduction:
- Attach a single-weapon rack at a wall.
- Insert a weapon into its slot.
Bug details:
When putting a weapon into the single-slot weapons rack, the weapon inserted (here: Conan’s Atlantean sword) isn’t shown hanging down, but it instead it’s pointing up and is displayed at a 90-degree angle, i. e. if you are standing right in front of the rack, you are looking directly on the blade’s edge instead of its broad side.
This bug somehow got introduced with the last update (v. 1.90).
I’m going to test additional weapons to see if it’s just this one or whether others are affected as well.
Will have to check when I get on next had not seen that yet. @Thianis
O.k., and I’m going to do some additional testing to find out more about it: Whether it’s the rack itself or rather the Atlantean sword that’s messing things up. Both variants are conceivable so I’m going to see what we are actually dealing with, then update the bug report accordingly when necessary.
Day one player have hung many of the Conan sword but not lately my wife generally takes them for her and her thralls. Looking forward to get starmetel on our current play through.
Hello everyone,
Could you please send us an image/video of how this looks on your side so we have a better understanding?
Thank you in advance!
I’m having the same issue. There’s an Atlantean sword a friend crafted for me above my bed, and after the chapter 3 update it’s been rotated and suck into the display rack as well, just like the above screenshots. Been meaning to post about this as well. Thanks for beating me to it! Official PvE #3531.
Hello everyone!
Thank you so much for all the info and thank you @sestus2009 for the images Our team was made aware of this and they will investigate it as soon as possible!
You are welcome glad to see we are all working together.
I’ve also checked with other weapons, but they remain unaffected. Whatever got busted with the last update seems to only come into effect when the Atlantean sword is involved.
I posted this to the CoC discord on the 2nd of March. It is happening in the PC game as well. Personally, I think it is cool since his statues have him holding it that way. It also happens with other weapons, like the Godbreaker hammer.
my biggest fear is it had to do with fixing the twitch drops, which are also specially unlocked items. Imagine fixing the Atlantean sword, only to break the twitch drops again.
Good morning.
as shown in the attached screenshot, the cavalry spears placed on the single-slot weapon displays are placed behind the display.
If I change the objects located on the display with, for example one handed weapon that I replace a immediately the spear has its place, this one then appears in the right direction, but when I restart the server or leave them the problem comes back.
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