Triple weapon display rack attachs to walls backwards (or steel truncheons appear on rear side)

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 3181

Bug Description:

The triple weapon display rack seems to attach to walls backwards (placing a steel truncheon in it, the truncheon is behind the rack in the wall partly)

Bug Reproduction:

place a triple weapon display rack on a wall, place a steel truncheon in it

Hello @Derangedxzombie,

Could you please attach a photo/video of this issue so we can understand it better?

Thank you in advance :smile:

Yeah sure, I uploaded a clip of it:

1 Like

What mods are you using?

This was on PS5 (I just have the various DLC packs I think)

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