Game mode: [Online official] Type of issue: [Bug] Server type: [PvE-Conflict] Region: [EU #1043]
[Describe the bug here]
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
I died instantly after logging in to the server inside my base
The shown reason of death was “You were killed by yourself”.
I logged out in my usual log-out spot, where I logged out hundreds of times
On a bed is the only place I intentionally log out, but maybe my luck is better than some people’s. It happens very infrequently to me. Not often enough to worry about, and my possessions are right there next to me so I haven’t lost anything.
It happened to me the other day on the only private server I can get on. Joined the server and died. It was happening before the updates as well. I heard somewhere the double bed was bugged but It happens with other beds as well, so that can’t be it. It is annoying though.
I have discovered is I log out on a placable, like a bed or bedroll, there is a chance I will di upon re-entry to the server. Since I stopped logging out on placables, I have not experienced this issue.
I suspect it is a sync error with the environment.