Invisible Animals (PS4 and PS5)

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Conan the Librarian

Bug Description:

This is an update to a previous bug report I have made. Can confirm that all elephants and all yetis are not rendering. I can still target them with R3 to produce a health bar but they are invisible which makes gameplay very difficult. Please look into this issue as it makes certain aspects of the game unplayable. Thank you.

Bug Reproduction:

This bug happens all the time even on PS5. Have tried reinstalling the game multiple times, clearing the PS4 cache, turning off boost mode (PS4 Pro), and switching to performance mode in settings. Nothing has helped.

You can invlude greater shalebacks when they are pets (except in the jungle) and some sort of greater/boss rhino near Sepermeru.

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