Is the game still being optimized?

I play on PC depending on area, its around 80-120 fps, can dip as low as around 35 in bases with lots of clutter, have a good 100mbit connection, having no issues in other games.

These I mentioned:
Having NPCs, not doing something when you tell them, enemies standing in the air, running into a stone because they can’t path find around it or is stuck, not reacting to attacks etc.

Those were things I encountered yesterday, that I remembered on top of my head. Following along the chat on the server, it is not uncommon for people (mostly new to the game) that ask questions like, “Where did my thrall go” or mentioning other bugs. Those of us that have played for a long time tend to not mention these, because they happen so often.

But sure if you invite me to your server Ill check it out, but all the things I refer to are things I have experience myself.

Saw this post: (This happens to me as well constantly, just as an example and this is on console)

Funcom post