Is Too Far too close?

I noticed, that when building the distance you can build or place an item, in a lot of instances, has been drastically reduced.
When placing lamps i have to be always moving.
Yesterday when trying to place an armored animal pen was almost impossible, as the distance between intersecting with myself and prompting “Too Far” was just 2-3 Foundations.
Funnily enough, the distance for deletion on the construction hammer is not affected.
I am really getting tired of this mess


You are correct. In the last major update, they dramatically reduced the distance you could place things. I suspect it is because they never actually play the game as standard players and thus do not realize it was an idiotic choice.


I think it also reduces the distance people can build next to you, hence the purge just now starting to be used as an exploit.
One of those things I suspected but wasn’t about to be the one to bring it up.

So, warning to those with big open court yards, people maybe able to get in to your build and find a place to build.


I believe that when they introduced the new building system they also tied in placeables with the mechanism for placement distance within the new system. I believe they were separated before, or at least bombs were.

What you’re now seeing is them changing distance for bomb placement. Or at least I believe that is the intention. The reason it needed changing is because it was highly exploited.

But what I cannot understand is why all placement is tied together??? Why can’t it be like before??

Or perhaps it is separated but there might be a value that changes each? But was done in one fell swoop? I don’t know but ultimately all of them: building pieces, benches, placeables and bombs have the same distance.


Yes, it is not too close. We all now have to step into the fire in order to ignite bombs.

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Look at the update this rode in on.
Rewatch the devstream related to that update.
Do you see the pattern yet?

Conan heavily intersects with the C’thulhu Mythos.
That is documented.
But in recent patches, this one thinks that the Chaos Lord Tzeentch is the true Eldritch Horror behind the madness.


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I will not dispute the fact that it is a design decision a little “not so smart”, as it hinders a lot the work of solo players who wish to have a good time playing. But I understand the idea of restricting the distance you can build in an effort to avoid certain abuses, while not the design decision I would choose for my work …

But I have suggested in the development forum to add a different mechanism of build permissions so it would be easier to mod it, they considered that it would not be something, so I did like Thanos …

I caqn get around building, but sadly it also affects placement of crafting stations and if you try to place an animal pen with the shorter side to you, you are almost too far already, you have 2-3 foundations at most to place it and by being so near to it, it is almost impossible to position it correctly, as you can’t see it anymore

I had to build a temporary path up and over the ceiling structure and move-position. If you already enclosed the building before you put the pen, then it may not work. I started with just 4-5 wall pieces to collision-alert when the pen is too far in one direction. Not that it can or can’t be done, as it is just not intuitive atm.

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Ia Ia Cthulhu Ftagn !

I got fed up with using animal pen because always when building bases it is the worse thing to build and to “plan” where it goes. I can deal with several gates quite well and it does not bother me, but Animal Pen, Greater Wheel of Pain and Maproom I really dont look forward to build.

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Placement distance is probably defined in a base class that all placeables inherit. A lazy developer probably changed this distance in the base class instead of the bomb placeable class where it should override it for bombs only.

Example for basic inheritance:

In this C++ example you have a field in the base class which holds the brand of a vehicle. You could override this in the “Car” class. But the devs changed it in the base class “Vehicle” which changes it for every class that inherits “Vehicle” by default.


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That is not how it works.
You dont need to conjecture how the game works.
Instead of making assumptions, if you really know C, you can use its tools to learn how the program works.

Dont accuse people of “lazy work” if you dont even know how to do what they do.

Why do you talk about “C”? UE4/5 is written in C++ to make use of the OOP features. C does not have OOP features by default.

Just look at this very basic class hierachy:

If I change the default value for a field from “AActor” ALL the derived classes will be affected unless they override these default values.

Looks like either Funcom has diverged from the standard UE development principles or you seem to not understand how UE works or game engines in general work.

It does, but that depends on the IDE. If you use just the code editor, you don’t get the features of an IDE that covers all the low-level operations (and overrides). The C compiler generates objects with code that is much lower level than C#. Putting them together is a major plus.

It is safe right now to use both C and generic C++ in the game, but the latest (unstable) C++0xDEADBEEF engine has beautiful bugs due to F# influences.


I’d like to see a TMP implementation in C. Or just a simple class where you can access the class object via “this” with constructor and destructor implementations. I am not even asking for inheritance… (and no, nested structs are not true inheritance → HAS-A vs IS-A)

And ofc does C generate more low level code than C#, because C# generates IL code which is JIT compiled by the .Net or Mono runtime.

C++ compiles to the same native code as C does. Only symbol names in assemblies can be different because of C++ features that do not exist in C.

Fun fact: early C++ compilers simply transpiled to C code

This is where I am at in programming. I’m making an ascii only assembler. The generated code is oop, natively. That means I’m competing at a lower level than C#, but I can inherit code (from others). Right now, I’m messing with signals and system exceptions. I’m not including the default code libraries. Because I have improved memory handling (better than malloc).

As much as I have looked at the output, I can say no it doesn’t. It just works with the same native instruction set. C++ hides its lower level virtual machine (LLVM), so it can be called a C compiler, too. Something better than C is a continual argument. That’s okay… we know k&r is all macros. C++ is good at the DMA level… where the engineers are working.

I don’t mean to sidetrack this thread… I digress.

Has anyone one done any testing?

I know how I’d like to test it, but just because I am the server villain, doesn’t mean I have to be up to villainy all the time.

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