Hi all,
I just wanted to add my 2 cents after playing on testlive.
Abyssal summons (mounts, armor, etc…) seems a bit op.I believe the designer’s intention was to mitigate corruption disadvantage of sorcerer. In case there is as requirement to use summoned stuff to have at least some level of corruption, that will make more sense from story perspective (magic gives power, but there is a cost) and also from balancing perspective. I’m not PVP player myself, but I see the point of many people making on the forum. Even better would be that if at any point you have corruption less than xx% your summon disappear or curse you for breaking bond. (For example for mount you need to have stable corruption 20%, for weapon 40%, for armor 50%)
Since casting staff is two-handed weapon anyway. I would love to see the book of Kurak equipped in the other hand, or in the casting animation. (Also raised hand when equipped one-handed weapon without shield looks odd :D)
Pouches seems to be a bit odd as cost for sorcery. I do not see ‘vile’ nature of it. Maybe cost as blood (tier 1), essence (tier 2) or fragment of power (tier 3) would be a bit better storywise and can be better for balance since there can be difference in how much is needed (lightning storm).
Building system is awesome, it would be nice to trade pieces tho, but I understand your decision. What I don’t understand, why there is still artisan table. Seems a bit half-baked that way. Also, would be nice to change some recipes. For example wall torches where you need to make torches apart, it breaks the flow of building with the new system.
On illusion system, I would very much welcome if you consider adding skins for whirlwind blades, there is no other weapon to reskin it with. Can you please make it available for reskin, e.g. by swords, since they are basically two one-handed swords.
Since you up the power to the player (better movement, stats), I would make also sense to up power (better AI, more unpredictable and faster/fluid move sets, not the HP) to NPCs and Bosses.
Archery, I would really love to see more perks related to archery. I know Conan is preferably melee game, but still some more flavor to archery would be nice. Special attack of the bow could me melee oriented instead light attack, perks to shoot more arrows at once on heavy attack for example, dodge shoot instead of roll or something. A dedicated perk tree to archery would be great. RIP bow knockdown and cripple
Warpaint, I would be interested to know what was the thought process behind removing bonus.
Corruption is now a big deal, but there is one issue I have with it. It also affects items that add stamina and health. I think bonuses added by items should not be decreased by it, It should be tied to corrupted body aka basic health and stamina without any bonuses. Does not make sense to me, and basically forces corrupted player to use item that add damage bonus or carry capacity. If you are worried about clarity of how corrupted a player is, there is the option you could add to show percentage of corruption onto the purple corruption bar.
Anyway, 3.0 is the best update so far, and I’m really enjoying new stuff. Looking forward to new updates (hope for religion and weather rework), so great job guys.