Killing or knocking out thralls makes them disappear

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 7th Legion
Mods: Configurable Elevators v1.0.4 :: Fashionist v4.4.6 :: Simple Minimap (by Xevyr) v1.1.6

Bug Description:

Upon killing or knocking out a thrall, they fall to the ground and vanish

Bug Reproduction:

Either kill or knockout a thrall to reproduce this very annoying bug. 0 Thralls captured in 24 hours. Waste of time playing at that rate.

Hrm, I play on consoles, but I feel like the same bug and situation applies here.

Honestly this happens frustratingly often, (I feel your pain, heh) but I have found a work-around that I believe should work for you on PC also (you or someone else will have to test it and let us know, so we know for sure)

After knocking a thrall unconscious , and realising that their body has disappeared, if you are able to, move away from the immediate area (preferably ‘out of render distance’) - I find that 99.9% of the time, the vanished thrall’s body reappears, and you can just go back and tie them up (this works for dead thralls as well as unconscious thralls also)

You can usually tell by seeing their health bars suddenly pop up from a distance.


On my PC this does not work. Finding stuff that’s disappeared you say, what button do I press to do that then? :stuck_out_tongue:

Will definitely try the “visible health bars” trick though.

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Ah, that’s a shame, interesting though, I wonder why?
This may be one instance where having a ‘longer’ render distance for you (more powerful ) PC peeps might work against you, oddly. :thinking:

Thank you for testing it and letting us know Druantia, sorry I couldn’t be more help, maybe one of the PC people can help more.

As for the ‘finding part’ no buttons needed, its just literally going away and coming back again, they’ll either mysteriously reappear or they won’t :stuck_out_tongue:

(I edited my wording in my initial post to make it clearer)

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So lowering the render distance is the cause/solution to this?
Interesting, I’m gonna go play with my settings, many thanks :smiley:

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I think what happens is the initial animation for them lying there unconsious incorrectly calculates where the land is and puts them under it. When you move away out of render distance then come back again and the thrall is added back and is then is correctly positioned on the surface.

Sadly been a bug for a very long time and my faith in Funcom ever fixing it is low.


Yes, something like that, I’m not even going to pretend I know what the mechanics of it all is , but what Belteyn said above is what’s occurring as far as I can make out. In essence this workaround is just trying to trick the game into reloading the area as it should be, with said unconscious thrall.

Unfortunately Druantia we can’t really change the render distance settings on consoles so I can’t give you a definitive answer to this, but it’s worth a shot. Hopefully you get somewhere with it.

Good luck. :crossed_fingers:

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Yea I think that wouldn’t work in Single Player. If you move out of render distance, then in SP that NPC stops existing :slight_smile: So it’s not going to pop back up, but instead just despawn.

The trick does work on servers though.

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Interesting. Just to clarify I assume you are speaking on behalf of the PC crowd?

I have tested this both on servers and in single-player on consoles (both PS4 and Xbox one) and it works for both. :thinking:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa not sure :slight_smile:

Technically it should be the same on consoles. However the render distance is not necessarily the same as the relevancy distance, especially because consoles have more limited graphics.
So it’s entirely possible that it’s the same on consoles too, they just vanish at a lower distance and when they get redrawn they pop up like mushrooms, but if you’d go further they’d despawn :stuck_out_tongue:

We’ll find out I guess if @Druantia manages to get this effect by reducing the render distance
But I’m mainly guessing here as I did most of my playing on my server and only testing stuff in SP.

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Oh yeah, there is definitely a point of no return, if you go traipsing to the ends of the map or another biome, they will disappear completely never to return, but there’s also a window of opportunity before they do. Hard to judge distance, especially with no real reference, but if you keep checking behind you as you leave, the moment their health bars pop up, that’s when you start to head back.

Well, dropping my render range from Ultra to it’s lowest setting has not fixed anything, but it has made the game playable as all I now need to do is run off a short distance and then run back to see them.

Many many thanks all :smiley:

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Yes but even so, your post about feeling sorry for people with powerful PC’s working against us really made me think and a work around is indeed to lower the render distance.

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