Kurak Fight breaks with various mods

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: Pippi, Emberlight, GCam, Northern Timber, Barbarian Barber,Improved Quality of Life, Immersive Armor, LBPR V.7.4.76, LPPR Add. Features,Savage Steel I + Vol II, Happy little Trees, The Darkwoods, Immerse RP

Bug Description:

Kurak Fight buggs out after lights go out. The first Miniboss doesn´t enter the arena and the spiders don´t move but spawn - sometimes on top of each other. You get the fight music but no ones coming for you. Issue reported on SP - also on MP happening!

Bug Reproduction:

We entered the dungeon on MP, problem happened as described above. (Both players have unlocked magic (not to full extend) and golem trait, both players Lvl 50 - in Singleplayer tested with Lvl 60) - BUT - before the update we actually were in that dungeon with all the mods above and had no problem with it at all.

Greetings Tenebraeus!
Thank you for reaching out to us.

In order for us to properly assess your issue, could you please remove your mods and then verify the files (by going to your Steam LIbrary → right click Conan Exiles → Properties → Installed Files → Verify files) and attempt the fight again to see if the problem persists?

Additionally, if you play on an Official Server as well, does it happen with you there?

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

I´ll try, but be assured, I am NOT happy about verifying my data, since this game especially takes a ton of time to verify or update on steam - a problem that also never has been adressed or “fixed” in any way. If there´s a conan update it´s always about 2 hours idling and waiting for the game to be finished patching.

Also I am not trying to play on an official Server (I specifically wrote “Online Private”). It would take a LONG time until I would be able to test it there. And to be honest, the amount of griefing I read about on official servers is a hard pass for me to play guinea pig there.

Thing is though, it may be a mod thats causing the issue, not on the base game. Thats why the first step is to remove the mods and verify files to make sure its not a base game issue.

I also mentioned - before the update - we went in with the exact same Mods and it worked back then ^^ and all modders have updated so far.

AIS I will try without mods - it´s just super strange.

So - i tested it profusely.

I went in after verification without mods on Singleplayer. It worked - fairly a bit too well, since i was overrun by spiders on the first try (about 50). On the second there weren´t as many. (This at least feels suspicious) The first miniboss still was teleporting somewhat strangely around until he finally showed up but - he showed up. (As I said, second try after I revived in the dungeon - doesn´t feel quite right)

I tried again with mods (Singleplayer) - it bugged out again. So yes, maybe a mod might be the problem here. But - and I still don´t get it - it worked before the New Chapter just fine even with two mods more on our server. So if there´s a problem with a mod, finding out which one it is after the update of the devkit is quite timeconsuming. And I don´t have the time at hand to test which one it is and- not to mention - i am not our private servers administrator to “F around and find out” which one it could be.

In MP it was the same - whatever mods not working there, the fight doesn´t work properly after the devkit-update/ new chapter if you play with any of the mods above.

I will not go onto an official server to test that out, maybe another player is willing to test the fight on one of your official servers, if they can.

At least now I know that one or a few of our mods bug the fight out for unknown reasons.

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