Land claim abuse

How do you report for land claim abuse. This clan is laying strips of black ice foundations and empty vaults across the entire map all over the place preventing people from building in several areas. They build near peopels existing bases and around sites that have great potential to be built on. They claim they “own the server” but it’s an official server.

Is it PvP? if it is you can FIGHT them or look for another server.

I play in 2996 PvP (NEW YORK), it’s cool.

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200+ empty vaults. Do you know how many bombs it would take to clear those? Roughly 5k black ice foundations. That’s 8k bombs just for those vaults assuming they dont just replace them right away, and an additional 15k~ bombs for the foundations. Our clan has 4 people. We arent going to be able to make 23k bombs in any reasonable amount of time. So unless you have an actual answer to my question please move along. Thanks.


You can find the answer to that in the topic that @AngelBRz linked for you :wink:


lol I’m new I didnt realize that’s what that was


No Problem. Good Luck!

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Repair hammer, checked decay timers on the places you might want?

They can’t claim the whole server and if they do they are busy 24/7hours a day for checking every corner if somethings going to decay.

wont decay if they have it all connected the server thinks its all the same base

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What is the point of the screenshot?

¿Cuál es el punto de la captura de pantalla?

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