Large amount of perfected paddings in some Exile camps (Siptah)

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: none
Mods: none

Bug Description:

Large amount of perfected paddings in some Siptah Exile camp loot chests.
I’m guessing it’s unintended, since the area is such low level in general.

Bug Reproduction:

Look in chests.

Southwatch Keep:
Riverwatch Keep:
Strandwatch Keep:

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For once we have something benefic.

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You get the same on Exiled Lands.
With all the appearance change on armor, this was a much needed change. I spend a ton of paddings just to decorate my thralls before sending them to their deaths in the purge.

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How is it beneficial to absolutely s**t all over progression and make literal stacks of endgame loot drop from noob chests?


Uhh… you decorate thralls with Perfected Padding? Most people make illusion armor from regular non-epic versions.
…and you don’t loot their gear back when they die?

This is not a much needed change.
At this rate why not make noob area chests contain pre-broken T4 thralls and a half dozen legendaries each?

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In my opinion, there is too much of it. You get to everything too quickly.
Kitchen and cooking don’t need to be unlocked either, because there are plenty of ready-made dishes in the crates.
It’s the same with weapons and armor in Cimmerian.
It’s all like after players complained that the loot is too weak.
Funcom should design more treasures such as diamonds, necklaces, statues similar to Derketo cat, etc. that will not affect the progress of the game.
I, for example, have fun when I have to carry a chest across the map to the base :smiley:


Are you pretending there was a coherent progression before that?
What about veteran players who will never engage with PVE content because most rewards are completely useless for them?

It’s everywhere, game just showers you with loot. Vanilla “progression” is a total farce, but at least modders can easily and reliably fix that.

So making the situation worse is the solution?

I can now just run around grabbing chests and farming minibosses and get better loot than a T10 purge, with zero consumable cost and zero risk to myself, my thralls, or my base.

And btw - I am doing Tier10 purges and not losing thralls even since the patch. It’s just far more lucrative and risk/stress-free to grab loot from chests now.

That was intended? Or maybe it was just another case of someone who has absolutely no idea how this game works thinking “hey, lets put these in the loot table”. FFS some noob chests drop 20 pieces of Perfected padding, enough to make FOUR entire sets of endgame armor. WTF were they thinking?

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I agree that it’s too much. But to be honest it’s the first time in years I have a decent incentive to go explore and loot chests lol. They need to find a middle ground.

Any raw material in a small amount is ok, but finished products such as perfected paddings or prepared dishes should be a maximum of 1 piece each.

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