NOTE: Sorry for any mistake of English I am not American.
It is easy to understand that there are technical limitations to the servers allowing only 40 players to log in at a time, which is not correct, and what I do not understand is that because there is no blocking for the creation of new accounts, already that is known the limit of 40 players per server, if there was an account creation limit, for example of 80 accounts per server, each player would have a chance of at least 50% of login, after the creation of 80 accounts the server would be locked for creation, a monitoring every 30 days could see the number of accounts inactive and if the number was high, from then releasing this server to create new characters, a warning flag should be placed on the connection screen in server name, informing if the creation of accounts would be released or blocked at the moment, now what we have today is as follows: 40 players can login only, but there are more than 280 accounts created, just read on server statistics, there is the number, so that creates a huge problem, instead of the player having at least 50% chance of logging in this percentage drops to even 2% chance, well here is my suggestion, because some people will end up leaving the game for the simple fact of not being able to login.
Another important issue is that there are players that remain 8 or 10 hours or more logged in, you need to implement a mechanism that will log you out of at least 6 hours logged in to give a small chance that another player can play too, after all a player that is logged in 10h for me is the owner of the server, and there are many who do this practice, as there are limitations of vacancies, not everyone can keep a pc on 10h a day, just to ensure a login, this is a good thing unfair, well there are my tips.
The limit is more about how many people the Conan server software can handle before you drop server frames and get lag. The map is also really crowded when you have more then 40 people on it at a time. I believe that is the two main reasons for the 40 player at a time limit.
I believe they just need a better que system for joining, then the steam que system we have now. That would fix some of the frustration.
Limiting players play time is not the way to go in my opinion. I would like that there was a server subscription system, so people could pay for playing on a server they like. That would also create a better server community. (I will suggest this in a different post)
I would also like the Conan devs to remove the filter that auto hides modded server in the game server list! It’s a private server killer.
Buddy, pay would only create players with access privileges the game is already bought, forgive me but your suggestion would turn conan into a pay to play game, almost a pay to win, increase access queues, as you suggested would be a good one. For that there is only one way to increase the number of official servers, I will never particularly play on private servers, for thousands of obvious reasons that those who play for many years already know. about limiting access time on servers that only have 40 vacancies, it is more than fair, if you read my topic well you will not talk about limiting who is logged in for 3 or 4 hours, but there are psychopaths logged in around 8 to 10h the limit would be for these players, and thinking better after they had disconect could be even better, after 8h of play could have an hour penalty, I religiously believe this would be perfect.