Hello, new to forums. Here is a small list of bugs I’ve noticed:
The animation of the lemon tree from the bazaar is applied to the wrong part. The foliage doesn’t move, but the dirt at the base of the trunk ungulates. It’s really disturbing once you notice it!
Gold, red, purple, black, grey and frost lotus plants often fail to display in planters. Sometimes they pop in after a little while.
The shaleback hatchling furnishing presents a similar behavior. Often the skeleton specimen is invisible, leaving just the base.
The game struggles with DLC pet skins. I have a totemic wolf that often displays without his costume, or without his fur, or it’s just the headdress floating without the wolf, or everything is present but it all has muddy textures. I’ve noticed similar things with other totemic and Yamatai pets.
Mulch and cursed tree furnishings from the battlepass are impossible to place! I’ve tried so many different configurations for placing them and I can count the number of times it’s worked on one hand. Please make the collision on these pieces smaller or something.
I know it’s been talked about a lot but the missing foliage on Siptah is really disturbing. Seems to be more egregious on the west side of the map for whatever reason.
I have the exact opposite but my base is on the east side. I believe going into the base has something to killing the foliage and certain spots on the map bring it back (staring out to sea for instance). It really kills the mood and harvesting plant matter sucks
The cursed tree is really cursed, its a pain to place down, i managed to place one, in my base doing some tricks. Its has a 4x4x4 cubic colision box, it needs to go in a perfect plain ground. You need do remove everything around, make a plain surface with foundations or ceilings and try a lot to find the right position. Mine i bluit a foundation with some ceilings and managed to place, after i could remove some ceilings it ended up ridiculous, and i had to impovise to improve it a bit.
it was half on foundations and half exposed roots, the roots overlaps with the ground it it is not plain. I placed a brown munch and some weathered skulls. Saddly whe dont have foundations with earth or grass textures, then i used some hay covered stable.
After i bought the labirinthy set, and saw the small cypres tree. i gave up of buying trees, the move randomly, the colors differs a lot of the tonality of the game colors. The last i bougth was the climbing ivy, this one im enjoying despite i think its too colourfull
another day i removed it accidentally and had to dismantle all this scenery to place it back, including the skulls,one by one , i will never use the building hammer in remove mode near it again
The entire story of having to place this thing, and then accidentally removing it… Every time there’s a little lag spike I end up removing stuff I don’t intend to as well, and having to rebuild entire scenes. I feel your pain. Now when I want to remove something I go smash my face into it and manually remove it with the radial.
We are having the ravaged forest with ps5 looking at the ocean fixes that and invisible camels go inside base all screwed up folige gone again
. deforestation does help when going to a new area to watch out for monsters
Star metal, interesting. We’re taking it slow on this server so we haven’t gotten to that tier yet but I’ll try it when we get there. I’ll try anything. I’m on a PS5, so, yes, indeed, this is really frustrating.
Silver linings. The missing foliage makes searching for baby animals and ore easier, too. I’ve tried the ocean gazing method everyone is talking about and it unfortunately hasn’t worked for me yet. I do hope it isn’t related to being in your base because we’re still on the beach in a little flotsam thing. If the game can’t handle THAT I’m afraid what will happen once I start actually building!
Very well done . Yet if you name your server, i can join and bring you a couple star metal “things” so you and your teammate help your self in this situation.
Don’t get me started on those cursed trees
I was so eager to finish my battle pass, so I can finally place one on my graveyard (aka ritual place and zombie production site)
I had to rearrange everything!
Me during the process:
Ever since the nemedian DLC I can see a decline in quality of the items the Funcom team creates. They still look great but ofttimes miss elementary functions or don’t display correctly. If it’s something you pay for, it almost feels like negligence to me.
I had the same reaction. I was so excited to place that goofy tree, and I came away feeling foolish for having gotten it. Yes, with careful planning you can make it work, but it definitely wasn’t the functionality I was envisioning.
Oh, I just remembered that the little illusionist book is impossible to place on a table, too. There’s a little leather tab that sticks out and the game has a conniption if that tab is touching anything.