Living Settlements: Praise, Critique, and Concerns

For the normal (i.e. live) version of the game, each platform has a forum for reporting bugs:

Bugs in TestLive are reported in the Public Beta Client forum. Make sure you add the tag bug to it. Also, it’s helpful to add “BETA” to the beginning of the topic title, like @Kikigirl does, but it’s not mandatory.

When creating a bug report, it’s recommended to use the Bug Report Template tool, but bear in mind that it’s bugged, so you have to use a workaround.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the template tool.
  2. Fill out the form fields to the best of your ability but do not press the “Create New Report” button.
  3. When you’re done filling out the form, select the text that it generated below, starting with “Basic Info” and all the way to the end of the post.
  4. Click on “Copy Quote”:
  5. Go to the appropriate forum for your platform and click “New Topic”.
  6. Fill in the topic title and select the tags you want.
  7. Delete the post body and paste the quote you copied (e.g. with Ctrl+V).
  8. Remove the first line that says something along the lines of:
    [quote="AndyB, post:1, topic:200967"]
  9. Remove the last line that says:
  10. Click on “Create Topic” below to post your bug report.

Definitely! Posting about existing bugs is useful for at least two reasons:

  • It lets the team have a better idea about how many players are affected.
  • It can provide the devs with more information that they didn’t have before.