Living Settlements: Praise, Critique, and Concerns

There are 3 separate dev streams they have thralls “dancing inside the floor” and Dennis just “smile” and Andy says something to the effect “sometimes they do that. yeah”.

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Oh the jank is real! :rofl: I didn’t argue that aspect of it. :innocent:

No I did not. I listened to it while I was playing a different game. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

OK, that was what I was wondering. I was not attempting to complain about your server. I have often wondered that, if I were going to return to CE on a more permanent basis if your server was the way to go because I like a lot of your views here on the forum. :innocent: I was simply more wondering if it was a combination of the added stress of the AI of the moving / pathing thralls from the tavern system in conjunction with a heaving load of mods that was causing it, which it does seem to be. So for you to opt out of the tavern system was the most logical choice. :+1:

Most assuredly! If they do not have an option to check this feature off (which I would be shocked if they do not) then I can see this being absolutely disastrous! Even on servers on XBOX and Playstation where stability is…barely held together with adhesive bandages if even that. :rofl:

That pretty much sums up their current path forward when they decide to do anything. They simply do not care.


That would do me just fine. :+1: Not meaning to be pedantic, but if we could extend that to particular furnishings it would be a job well done.


bad sign.

yes i saw it.

i also saw thralls standing on their chair, others stuck not moving but running the walk animation.

that is in a server or single player they control , imagine on a 6 year old server with a cluttered database, how things can turn out?

i simply cant undertand the way they are thinking. they should have learned to be carefull with systems that works … no one asked crafter thralls to go act like simms.

they could have added new animations to thralls, (but keep them as inventory items) they could have added a system to change clothing to inventory item thralls (aka crafters), there are mods that does that.

they could have implemented a patrol system to fighters, archers, performers, Bearers, emotes you can have control over it, (as it looks right now, it does seem like we have no control on to what kind of emotes they will be choosing. (bad design there if that is the case) right now i have full control of my thralls, will i still have that control over them?

you can see how wonly the tavern is, you can see several floating thralls when you get close, (paranormal eh?)_ you see then acting weird, and sometimes they duplicate, one stuck and the same thrall is sitting in a chair…

the system needs a lot of work if they want to implement it… and they should have started refining the system with the tavern.

what happened to the musicians? they sair they had plans to add it?

and finally do you forsee your crafters stuck at doors? blocking paths? LOL


The “living settlements” feature brings a dynamic touch to Conan Exiles, enhancing immersion with lively bases and functional crafter bonuses. However, it falls short by not adding meaningful player-driven interactions beyond aesthetics. I’m concerned about several aspects, including the functionality of crafters, their interactions with environments, and potential changes to server thrall caps. Clarity on these issues would be greatly appreciated.


Yeah, I’ve got some beef if they sit in my feckin’ chair. That’s for MY butt.

Jokes aside I really hope that multiple workbenches work with one thrall. I’ll still cull fighters and maybe some dancers to try and cope with the changes. I can deal with flying thralls if they still do their job. :unamused:


As a pvper, the biggest issue I have ia that artisans will cower or flee occasionally when attacked. Please juat have them fight. They can be weak, but the fleeing and cowering is dumb. They are now “getting freedom” of movement, sleep and food. So they are apart of my army now. That one feature is a pvp breaker imo.


But that’s what civilians do. Its rare to find one that will fight back.


So half my thrall budget goes to crafting thralls,not cool!


I’m not sure what this “living settlement” is … but if it is what I think it is, then yes: it is a huge pole aiming right at our a**es and yes, we’ve seen it coming from far far away.

yeah, customizing crafters … very cool. Then we look at the price: oops, crafters now count toward the thrall limit.

So now instead of having a “living” settlement we’ll have even less people in it. Yeah, great job Funcom !

I must say tho, they’re methodically destroying everything I like in this game. They’re targeting things one by one without missing a shot. That requires skill.


it might be good for RP players i suppose.

but the last thing i want is crafters running into me and blocking me.

there is no UI management. l.ike if you move bases? now you have to have them follow you one at a time? instead of just picking up the thrall from the bench?

add one feature (that nobody really wanted) and break 1 million other things.

still upset about the broken inventory that nobody asked for and now will appear to be broken forever.

GG conan is dead and you killed it


Discussed at length. RP players mostly do it some better way or dont do it at all. One thing is for sure, if you are having a large RP community, this is a setback, not an enhancement.
This idea is mostly for solo players, who may or may not be RPers, but the drawbacks at this point outways its utility.
Like someone mentioned above:

this only helps if you have server allowing unlimited thralls or a solo/co-op player.

Like many things, I dont doubt one day it will be mature, but as it is, it seems to be inserted in the game for “clout purposes”.
As I mentioned in other topic, if you take notice to Dennis body language, this looks like something that the boss said “it has been talks about something like that in games with more players, so make it happen in ours”. But not really something the devs were expecting to put in place at this stage, at those conditions.

And for the record, a whole lot of it doesnt really help the gameplay at all. I mean, imagine you finding your base with a crafter sunk into a foundation while you had them to craft something.

Now not only your thrall warriors can sunk, but the crafters will too.

That is like a “shoot on the foot”. You should have the problems with warrior thralls solved PRIOR to making the same system apply to everyone, so you dont have the problem to affect another system of the game.

Overall, this is one of those cases in which I agree with some whining players, “you should have fixed what is wrong before adding more defective things”.

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My point exactly.

Unless I am misremembering (apologies if I am), I could have sworn that @KiahonfireOfficial showed in her Stream summary that thralls confer their bonuses to ALL relevant benches within the area. And if this is indeed the case, it will encourage me to downsize my enrourage of crafters.


I’m going to blow everyone’s minds and explain the main difference between a RPer and a Non-RPer. You all ready for this?

The difference is how the player interacts with another player. NOT how they interact with the game. When a RPer plays Conan Exiles, they play it pretty much in the exact same way as everyone else.

When they gather mats, they gather mats like everyone else. When they take thralls, they take thralls like everyone else. When they farm bosses for gear and stuff, they do it like everyone else.

When they PVE, they PVE. When they PVP, they PVP. Any likes or dislikes RPers will have towards the settlement system will be identical to non-RPers.


Why as NPCs in camps they go full aggro amd not cower? Consistancy, Funcoms Kryptonite.


If you thought that the cats were bad when it came to blocking doors… just wait. :scream:

The settlement system has been asked for by quite a large number of people for almost the entirely of the games existence. I do not know who this “nobody” is you speak of.

Now THIS is an example of something that truly nobody asked for. The dye system update is another prime example. But the settlement system, you are barking up the wrong tree on that one.


what the majority of people asked was for a way to dress crafters,. with different clothing.
they could have set the settlement by adding animation to certain items, and keep those as inventory system.

no one asked for worker thralls to eat players thrall count.

who would like to have a worker thrall that will probably hit like a bearer?

i am going to laugh with our classic “i told you so” when i see complaints of people wathinc the thrals flying, or when they are blocked by stuck worker. or when the game ends up broken again. because the thrall system gets bugged.


That is ONE THING that people have asked for. One of a good number of things along the lines of the settlement system that people have asked for. Of course by focusing solely on that one singular aspect of what people have requesting while ignoring all of the other things it enables you to utterly dismiss the entirety of the update out of hand as “no one asked for this” rather convientely doesn’t it? :thinking:

As you can see here from this dev stream back in 2020 they had been planning on this settlement system, back then called a city system, since early access. They were not able to implement it back then, and are only starting to be able to do so now, under a different team mind you, but none the less this was something that has been in the plans back in 2017. As were mounts, as was sorcery. And this system has been asked for many many many times by a multitude of people ever since, as was sorcery, as were mounts.

Have you ever met people? People will ALWAYS complain about EVERYTHING. So you may as well begin laughing now. :woman_shrugging:


ok you keep thinking that the game is so perfect, and that the official servers performance is amazing, to carry on with this. ? if so, you are totally disconnected with the reality of the game, and its issues. there are more important things to deal with than having your smelter go take a shit, and eat a sandwitch. (its not something that brings any benefit to anyone)

take a look at a tavern and let me know how frequently you see bugs, such as the one described.

i have been playhing this game since day 1.

never saw demands by popular demand to see crafter as normal thralls, even less to see people wanting for crafters to take up the rather limited slots for thralls… NEVER!

so yes, it is something that that no one requested.

this goes really bad for clans holding 10 people and 1 base per player in clan (since everyone does deserver to use the building system…

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You mean, unlike what any of these NPCs do when you encounter them in the wild in this game?