Living Settlements: Praise, Critique, and Concerns

That’s a very good point, @biggcane55 and @LostBrythunian . I agree that there should be consistency.

Perhaps Funcom will change worker thrall behavior in camps now? (probably not, but here’s hoping)


In what delusional reality do you hail from? :woman_facepalming:

And I have been playing since early access. What is your point? :thinking: Oh right, you have none.

And yet, the settlement system HAS been verifiably been requested by many people many times over. Yet you are so utterly fixated on tiny minute details that you fail to see the forest in front of you. So who exactly is “disconnected from the reality of the game”? :thinking: I think it might be the person who cannot see past that one minor detail that so utterly irritates them to no end that they no only are not willing to accept the facts presented to them but they cannot even understand that anyone pointing out those facts are NOT claiming that the way that Funcom is implementing the system is A). inherently good or B). what the original team or even what anyone had in mind.

That does not however mean that NO ONE EVER WANTED A SETTLEMENT SYSTEM OR EVER ASKED FOR ONE AT ANY POINT IN TIME because that is patently false. To sit there and continue to ague against that is just utter ignorance. I may not be what you want, it may not be what you like, and the fact that crafters now count against the follower count is rather stupid. But none of that is relevant to your claims what so ever. You can dislike the change all you want, and you can be upset about it all you want. But to sit here and lie about it and call people disconnected because they provide evidence to you that goes against the narrative you want to push is just idiotic.


you dont get it dont you? the game is in a terrible place right now, and yet they want to bring something that is working bad. with all the side effects it will bring to already stressed game.

do not descontextualize it. point was, i have been watching people requests , and i have never seen one topic asking for worker thralls to take the limited spots we have for fightrer and performers, and archers and bearers, so they can take a leak , eat a sandiwrch and go to sleep… whats the benefit of it? show me several topics where someone wants funcom to add the workers as regular thralls in the game , taking the spots from the limit we have ? that is bullshit.

look my previous statement , you are free to find me a post , where people is requesting what funcom is doing with crafters… .

minor detail ?

lets talk about minor details that needs fixing. :

  1. people fall from building pieces… (minor detail, not very important)
  2. performance : official servers cant hold more than 15 players despite the capacity for 40 players (minor detail too, thats have been around for over a year if not over 2 years)
  3. game unbalanced, thralls, weapons armor, everything unbalanced.
  4. barely no support , bugs now takes months to fix, when was the last hotfix? thats right… check!.
  5. inventory issues, it still got issues, they broke it, kinda make a few things to improve it how it broke , but it is stil lwith issues, (sorting, sometimes wont take the ammount you want etc. )
  6. combat system is still with some “minor” problems, it never got fixed entirely.
  7. purges crashing the server , purges not rendering back if you die, (Takes 5 to 10 minutes, to get some of the stuff rendered) .
  8. siptah surges with issues, that got reported and never got looked at, or black corsair not being able to ko, cimmerians with bad Armor rating defense, i mean i could go on and on an on.
  9. not to mention that this system will put more stress on servers, and in clients, did funcom forgot about consoles? i am a pc player but i feel their pain, and i am sorry for it.

about the tavern:

  1. duplicate thralls, glitch you cant interact with some of them , because they are duplicated and it is sitting elsewhere in the tavern…
  2. . it is absolutely amazing to come to your place and see 4 or 6 thralls floating, (so inmersive)
  3. in some cases the patrons from the tavern blocks your path in a way that the only way out is to: remove a building piece , or 2 remove bracelet. they never fixed the issues.
  4. tavern keepers do not fight, they do not have any growth chance, at all, so basically its a decoration that could have been solved as an inventory item, (once the thrall is in there) tavern works. (they do take a thralls slot , but they do not work as one)

ok back to your response :

the way they are implementing it is totally wrong, and will come with many issues , that some of them will :

1 take months to fix,
2. some will be not fixed.
3. it goes against the current system, if we have limited capacity of thralls, so why did they had to go and do this? you could see problems in their stream, and i am assuming those were present in a rather stable situation, most servers en EL has 6 years old, and have stressed database, so if you saw problems just wait until it hits official servers.
i am not against a settlement system , as long as it does not limit us further. they could have kept the thralls to be inventory items, and just upgrade their animations on benches, move around in the area , they coudl have added other more pretty and complex emotes for your deployed thralls, emotes that uses items to create the actions you want and control.

for what we could see on crafters, we did not had much control over what they do or how they behave.

they could have placed an item with a thrall slot, so it does and do things the player want, in the same fation as when you put a thrall on the onsen yamatai bath. or the book stand from the nemedian library. just to name a few.

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You don’t get it do you? I HAVE NEVER ONCE ARGUED AGAINST THE STATE OF THE GAME NOR CLAIMED THAT IT WAS IN A GOOD STATED FFS! Do you understand the fundamentals of how to read? I have not once claimed that the game was in a good state, nor have I said that this update was even a good idea in it’s current state. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? And if you want to continue to argue that point, please point out where I have made these claims because I would love to see them!

Holy crap. Will you remove your head from your arse and stop HYPER FIXATING ON THE THRALL CAP FOR ONE SECOND and realize that the entire world does not revolve around the bloody thrall cap. You do comprehend the fact that people CAN REQUEST A SETTLEMENT SYSTEM AND NOT REQUEST FOR CRAFTERS TO COUNT AGAINST THE THRALL COUNT all at the same time right? :exploding_head: Just because you asked for thing A does not automatically meant you asked for thing B just because Mr. Hansel insist that you did, that is now how reality works. Stop attempting to create a false dichotomy where one does not exist.

I already linked a post containing a dev stream where they addressed the topic themselves. THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE GAME! If you are so delusional to no comprehend that the people who make the bloody game intended to include this system back in the time of EARLY ACCESS, and that this system HAS FOR A FACT BEEN REQUESTED, REPEATEDLY, since then, then no amount of reality is ever going to sink into that skull of yours. So just stop posting because you live an in alternate world.


so where is the people requesting it? … when did i ask you about what funcom said? the only thing we knew is that they (funcom) wanted to implement a settlement system, they never said how they would implement it.

dude chill go grab your medicine…

It is CRUCIAL to me that they will be able to traverse stairs and operate doors and elevators, but just as crucial to me that I haven’t seen mentioned yet is the ability for a clan or solo player to flag certain buildings, beds, and chairs as off limits. I run a combo RP/PVP server with the emphasis on RP but ample opportunity for PVP under certain rules to mitigate, discourage, and outright outlaw griefing, so I kind of get the best of all worlds. We even have a extreme wilderness located “griefer jail” to punish those who outright disregard such rules. Chapter 3 and 4 of Age of War all but devastated my player base out of anger at the game, here’s to hoping this fosters another resurgence.

Also out of respect to the OP and those of us who still want to enjoy this game, can we PLEASE keep the discussion sane and civil? Thank you. One can disagree without flying into a rage.


As an owner and admin of an unmodded RP server, I can vouch that the tavern system currently runs surprisingly smoothly, and I even have a few spots with 2 side by side, one of them on a break patio for workers ahead of this update, and another pair of them in a massive colliseum, hidden in the walls to make for an “audience”.

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The thrall pathing is very bad, can’t even use the dang stairs, they just teleport around these days.

Not to forget people mentioning consoles, do they even get a test server?
I bet the answer is actually a resounding no.

Also i would not be a bit surprised if they don’t include a toggle to turn this off, though i do hope we can just in case.

We will see when this mess hits what we end up with, but i fear the worst as i have not been givin any assurance over several patches.
The evidence is just not there, adding content is not the same thing as careing, btw.
That’s just doing your normal 9-5; fixing bugs, now that shows they give a dang.

I think this is just going to be a bit of bloat that looks cool on paper, but when you actually get down to it, the engine and the servers just are not equipped for it imo.

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I had an idea for the bug fixes. Like, what if they just kind of posted a weekly or even monthly diary of the bugs theyre actively working on and general progress? I feel that would restore some faith at least.


Personally, i think the safer way to have implemented this idea would have been just making robust npc settlements and allow players to use an empty stall in one of them to sell wares or something or have rentable stalls.

Least this way you would have a lot more control on the number of settlements and npc’s all doing their own thing instead of a bunch of players with a ton crafters all walking around mindlessly falling through floors and teleporting since they can’t even navigate stairs.

This would make a lot more sense to me than their current plan and a good halfway point towards meeting player expectations while not causing (one hopes) the servers and the engine to have kittens keeping up with everything.

There is no need to take bets, the answer is in fact no!

Which is freaking sad.

This I would be surprised by, though it will likely be a server side toggle not a player side toggle. In other words, players themselves will not be able to “opt out” but server owners will. BUT that is purely speculation until it hits testlive in a few days.

What exactly is G-Portal equipped to handle? :roll_eyes:


Yes!!! Active communication, timelines, involve us in more than filling bug reports!


people have asked for settlememt for so long so what you say is not true and this you talking about we can dress crafters is in the settlement system you cannot have asettlemtn their just a emote that is not a settlemnt system that is a emote system we allready have and the devs have told before when they added the golems passiv farming they gonna add it to the thralls in the future and in this video they are talking the settlement about it Conan Exiles - The future of Conan Exiles ( look at the 6;50 min to 8 min since then people have being waitet for the settlemnt system. i will give @Oduda right in this is something we have asked for in years since they talked about it on a video 7 years ago

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@Hansel yes i want the game to be fixed too but you are only talking about what you see on a test live server about the settlement its a test live server it is not out and we dont have enterret the test server yet and you are complaning about it all the time and fix the game when they strait up said they gonna fix it on the stream, and stop thinking the game should be how you would like to be it, its so annoying to hear about all the time if you want a perfect game make one you self insted of com here all the time say fix that everytime and im not saying your not allow to say something ned to be fix not at all, no game in the hole world is perfect and bug free as you want it so stop say the same words constantly on every post you can find about the game in the forum.

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we do know how things comes out to live servers, we have witnessed the game coming out of testlive without the fixes that were reported on testlive, to the point that there are many topics on the subject, they even launched a different built that no one test it, with all the bugs that was reported during test live ( some of those bugs are still kicking in the game, and never got fixed)

apologies if my sense of trust in their word is diminished, should i remind you how many times they have said things and never done it? lets start with only one. communication, how many times they promised and never fullfilled? i have good reason to not trust their word.
(not going to keep bringing more of the same for th sake of keeping this short)

i have never asked for a perfect game, (please find me a quote where i am saying that)
i know there are bugs, i know they will exist, what i cant forgive and look elsewhere when a bug that is considered important has not been handled in 6 months or a year or even more. and some others that takes a minute is left for months without fixing,. because… who knows.

i am not a conformist, if you are or not it is on your conciousness. i am not asking for perfect game with no bugs. i am asking for better QA, (which funcom does not seem to have or it is so bad that it is as they do not have one. i do want that important bugs gets priotized and fixed in reasonable times (not a year!) i want then to have a better communcation as they had in 2020 to say something. i want them to listen to the community.

if i say the same complaints over and over again, is because neither of those has been properly addressed, until them i will continue to do so as much as i think its neceesary, please dont tell me what can i write and what i cannot. its my time , my contribution , even if you like it or not.

try to deal with officials servers for once, i know you only play Single player, which is fine, but there is a more complicated world outthere with official servers, that are not working and performing as they should.

Best regards!

Perhaps a few new categories here in the forums. Just to help let us know what’s up.

Bug Report Recieved

Bug Priority Level <1, 2, 3, 4, etc.>

Bug - Active Solutioning

Bug Fix Ready

The real problem is that they don’t have any version control. For us, as a Player Community, to ask them for better communication about which bugs they are actively working on would require then to have a version control system of some kind.

They cannot communicate with us things that they aren’t even able to communicate among themselves.


Ah I see.

just make the settlement optional and allow us to still keep them in crafting stations if we want to.

sorry im sure everybody already asked for this but im too lazy to read

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I don’t think it’s really possible to have both systems in existence at the same time.

Technically, of course it would be possible. It would be possible to make the thralls sing the Gaston Song in the tavern when the player enters. But it would not be realistically feasible to spend the time and effort to make it really happen.

(If any modder makes the thralls sing the Gaston Song in the tavern, I’d subscribe immediately.)