While not the Gaston song, Xevyr has added a couple of mods that provide tavern music if that’s any good to you?
+1 for Age of Gaston
Nope. It’s the Age of Heroes, and there’s no greater hero than Gaston. Just look at all those people praising him and singing his name.
Oh so much to respond to! LOL
Those of us playing on modded servers have been able to dress our crafting thralls as we please for ages. And a lot of modded servers limit how many animated benches with thralls you can have out in your base because, bluntly, animated things can cause lag. Ditto flickering lights if you have them close enough together that the light circles overlap. I suspect this is just another thing server owners will have to control. And modders are going to have to catch up with. Already there are mods that do not display the slotted thrall precisely because of these issues. Those mods will likely be broken by this update and will need to be completely reworked by the modders and ditto to the mods that already exist to let you dress your crafting thralls at will. There are mods that let you set paths for fighter thralls so you can create patrols. There are mods that allow you to assign a plethora of emotes to thralls and server owners and players on those servers have used them to bring life to bases and server cities for years. All of those mods will likely be broken by this up date… only to be replaced by a poorly thought out and only semi-functional replacement by Funcom. Some of those modders have already said they’ll be hanging up their hat and will not even try to fix their mods Funcom breaks and are, in fact, leaving modding for Conan entirely. And I can’t say as I blame them.
None of this would be a problem if FC was actually any good at their own game and could create new systems that actually work. But they clearly can’t, as all my thralls sunk to the knees in foundations could tell you.
Again, I strongly suspect this goes back to FC making a game on an engine they had zero knowledge of. Things are broken that can never be fixed. Adding new stories to a building that was built on cracked and faulty foundations will, one day, inevitably cause it to collapse utterly. And, at that point, FC is likely to just stick it in “maintaince mode” and hope you’ll all be playing Dune.
My own server is on hiatus with just a handful of us still playing because I’m not advertising and doing the work necessary to keep a player population of 40 players thriving until after the smoke clears in October and we see what, if anything, we still have to work with.
I’m going to test the taverns again as I keep hearing mixed reviews but I tend to believe that the jank will still be real. Just as I think, when it goes live, this new thrall system will remain just as janky as we saw it on the live stream. Honestly, I felt a bit bad for Andy and Dennis having to sit there with straight faces and pretend all that nonsense that has been mentioned here already wasn’t going on. Perhaps those gentlemen have the makings of fine actors.
At any rate, I am pretty pessimistic about the future of this game. With the extra layer of sadness knowing that what may finally prove to be the last nail in the coffin is them trying (and failing) to finally bring some of the cool RP elements to the game we’ve always wished for. Especially when they could have done so by treating the modding community far better than they have and working WITH them rather than against them.
They still haven’t fixed the Tavern over-load sink through floor bug nor I hear them announce it being fixed so with this behaving in similar matter? I suspect it will only amplify the issue.
Hey Alexandria quick question.
They lag the animation created is all client SIDE ?
I believe they issues or some of them are due server hardware nit being able to keep up with the Game.
Yesterday at our oficial server with 12 people , all thrals.were having issues because 2 players we’re trying to lunch purges.
Not only thralls. Players Rubber banding issues, the purges crashing all the tine . And that was only with 12 players online.
It’s long been Funcom’s excuse that problems with the game are client side, especially when it comes to private servers that are modded. What makes the issue really muddy is that sometimes, maybe even more than 50% of the time, it’s true. But all along I’ve been seeing people say they have the same problem on officials, which should absolutely NOT be the case. I certainly don’t think the server they were running during the livestream was some modded up beast of a private server and look what we saw even there!
On the one hand, I completely agree. But I fear that if they were honest we’d find that they aren’t addressing almost anything that we players are really concerned about. Especially compared to the time and effort they are putting in towards monetization.
On the other, I think that no matter what they may actually be doing they’d get an avalanche of complaints if they were transparent about it. Even if they were, to the best of their ability, working on the things we all most complain about. And why would they open themselves up to that?
You really aught to find and join the Dune:Awakening discord.
What you will find there is the funcom we have been asking for for ages.
funcom reps are very active on the discord, and usually a few of them.
Being all friendly, joking around, discussing pineapple pizza and answering questions.
For an unreleased game with no player base making no revenue.
It will really let you know just how much us Conan players, funcom’s financiers, actually rate with funcom. Being on that discord made me feel like the basement foster kid funcom collects the check for. I had to quit it.
me also, but now sea men cant reach my tavern because i had to move the base to the top of the volcano to stop being raided on pve by griefer purges.
Meanwhile, a topic with some important questions about the upcoming update, questions that should be easy to answer, has seen no input from Funcom despite being open and alive for more than a week.
No revenue yet. There’s a relevant quote from Dune (the book): “Beginnings are such delicate times.”
They know they need all the good will and interest and hype they can get before the launch and during early access and shortly after the official release.
A few years down the road, it will be Conan Exiles “community” all over again.
That’s just how things work. I’ve no hope left that the communication will improve.
In all fairness though, CE had that as well when it was the belle of the ball. It’s real easy to point to the shining new product as the way it needs to be but please keep in mind that NPD always runs in deficit and most that I know aren’t known for their budgeting skills. Their job is to create the game and build excitement for what is to come. If they run outside of their fiscal allowance, it’s ‘hey you got to spend money to make it’ and this is accepted by the bean counters and the exec teams because they feel new products is the true lifeblood of the company. They launch and sit around for a bit to ensure a “smooth” transition to a normal game and then it gets handed off to a team that is tasked to ensure it’s making money and heaven forbid if you are outside your 2%.
In all fairness though, CE had that as well when it was the belle of the ball.
Yeah, that’s pretty much the whole point of what I wrote.
Well, not the whole point, more like half of it. The other half is that today’s “belle of the ball” is tomorrow’s “foster kid in the basement”.
I still believe that this difference doesn’t really need to be that drastic, but my beliefs are immaterial in the face of corporate… um, let’s call it logic, because the g-word might trigger some of the people on these forums.
In all fairness though, CE had that as well when it was the belle of the ball.
In complete fairness, Conan Exiles was open to communication and Community was worthy of the Capital C – up and until it was taken over by Tencent. Culturally, it has proven it is company that does not like the egalitarian view brought to us by our Nord and Carolinian friends. Full stop.
It’s real easy to point to the shining new product as the way it needs to be but please keep in mind that NPD always runs in deficit and most that I know aren’t known for their budgeting skills.
As some of my pals who share Steam friendships with me can attest, I like to play a lot of games that are either 10 years old, or are in Early Access after 5 years.
Old Game doing it right: GTA Online. It has the same basic components but adds small changes, tightening up and improving the product with each pass.
EA Game doing it right: SCUM. Listening to their beloved Community and making a game play great, feel fun and look spectacular. With conventional DLCs. They are at version 0.95, expecting 1.0 in early 2025.
10 years old, or are in Early Access after 5 years.
I hope they can do that. I don’t trust it will happen because i have a very sneaky suspicion that the company was way over into debt prior to CE and CE managed to keep them going but at what cost…looking at how it was ran and then sold, I suspect CE’s success was not something that advanced the company but kept them solvent for a bit longer. Basically there is a lot of baggage in this game that needs to be dealt with…both in terms of expectations from the playerbase and acknowledge of mismanagement from leadership of FC at the time and the further requirement to market the new concepts better and I don’t see this getting any better.
that’s pretty much the whole point of what I wrote.
Yep and agree. I just went into mansplaining about how this looks since too many wish to direct ire towards Andy and Den who are trying to maintain this game’s success but on a much more strict price control.
Some greed is good in that it helps keep everyone employed. Yes people that invest money want high returns. A business has to provide these or people will pull that money away. The symbiosis of this is that their greed can be tempered with proper leadership that knows how to balance feeding the greed with maintaining employees and their requirements as well. From my experience, I have seen too many companies pendulum swing away from the Gordon Greed-is-good to try to make some weird commune type company that believes good vibes will save the day. I believe somewhere in the middle is the perfect system that is honest, open, and drives a mission while maintaining proper business and ensuring those that fund the operations get their share.
Basically there is a lot of baggage in this game that needs to be dealt with…both in terms of expectations from the playerbase and acknowledge of mismanagement from leadership of FC at the time and the further requirement to market the new concepts better and I don’t see this getting any better.
My thing has always been this and I’ll stand by it: if they can deliver us a finished game, we can have a basis from which to proceed.
I speak for myself only as an independent creator, and I know many of the professional creators out there are in my same boat for one reason: We Are Players.
Myself, I’m nothing without my fellow Players, my titles and my goodies mean nothing without my Brothers and Sisters out there in the world who love this game passionately. It’s very, very hard to proceed with enthusiasm about this wonderful experience when you know you’re just letting down the Players in so doing.
The enthusiasm will return when our dear game finds its footing and matures into something we can all get behind.
I hate to admit it but you are probably right. Despite usually being the forum’s ball of sunshine, I am worried, and will mourn the death of both Conan and my server should the ball be fumbled again. -_-