Hello people im wondering if anyone are happy with live settlements, the bench system is cool, therefore i think there was no need to change from the old system. But i have some compliants about the new system:
-now all the crafting stations stays empty most of the time
-crafter thralls go as far as they can to sit and sleep even it there are free spots aside then
-they spent a lot of time flickering in the center of the base deciding where to go
-they dont stay on workstations the most of the time they are sleeping eating wandering or doing anything than work. If we force them to go to the station they leave in seconds.
-They get locked trying to open doors, or if another thrall toke the spot they wanted, like tavern patrons.
What i think could get improved:
-They spent most of the time working and visiting the station whe set then
-Eat less sleep, they eat and sleep a lot in just one day.
-They seek first free places near their location not the most far away as they are doing
-Followers tab need some atention, may it could include commands like follow/stop follow as now we have a lot of thralls wandering around its very dificult to track their steps and made them follow
-We may should set their parameters on followers tab to avoid spent a lot of time tracking them down too met and set parameters.
-Doors need to have the option “disable/enable thrall usage” desperatelly to avoid intruders on base, on pvp time.
-calling puges on third party bases must the fixed too
Edit: the option to deactivate the wandering per thrall/player should be wellcome too
I agree with you. I also wish my crafters would spend the majority of their time at the bench I place them in. I miss seeing them all working.
I don’t like that they will open doors and leave my base.
They are always getting stuck on tables and other things. Most times I find many of them stuck together in a large group doing nothing but trying to walk past each other.
I’d rather have living settlements off, then in the state it is right now.
And if you notice, after a tavern patron or a thrall has sat on a seating placeable, you cant sit on them for a LONG time, because while other NPCs can detect an empty locked slot by system when they want to seat there, YOU CANT, because when you going to sit, it does not verify is the SOC is locked by unoccupied.
I dont think the devs are incapable of making a system that works, and I dont think they are any less skilled than any other dev house team. What I think is that Funcom has the tendency to not QA “correctly” things before launching.
They verify if the feature works for what it is meant to do, but they never make a comprehensive verification of what that system changes in other systems.
Long before the living settlements was implemented, I have said about errors we see in the logs when using it (test client, no mods). The same errors still happen today (fresh install, no mods).
And again, the system itself works for what it does, but it inflicts constraints in other systems they do not tested for.
one simple thing, that is not hard to do: “Knowing when it is night or day”. That does not incur in “the system being working”, but it something that goes for the playtime and overall immersion. Why “things get done” if the crafter is most of the time sleeping and eating.
I am sure they can come up with a better solution than I do.
step backward, the settlement system is a disaster in every possible way. i lost count how many times i warned everyone about it, and how many times i asked funcom to not drop the settlement system to the game.
my guys just stand around looking confused, had one that insisted on standing near a campfire with arms crossed but inside cliff face… could only see one arm protruding.
i had to imprision every working thralls to avoid they get lost all the time, get stuck, sink on the mountain and open all the the doors. If the door is with auto close disabled they leave it open, not only our thralls but tavern patrons are doing it too. The only things that work to imprision them are nemedian hanging cage and nededian stocade. Tried metal cages but they simple pass through the door, placing bad and chair near the thrall also not work they choose wherer to got completelly random, usually as far as they can.
didint get it to work today by morning they was all free, also from hanging cages, now im doing a floor just to hold then hope after server rest they kepp in here
this living system is a pure mess, they sit over each other and get stuck all the time. I tought that in a smaller space it could work better but not even on small spaces they mess everything
Il like new systeme and having life in my cities.
So i like the actual balance of what thralls do.
But for the preferences of everyone, maybe a server setting to configure thralls needs and having with it more control on thralls behaviours, would be cool.
But for EduMariano, what I suggest is just turn off the setting of this feature.
i liked the new system too, i will work much more if we can control it better, for now to solve the problem i did a closed floor just to counter them hope that after server restart they continue there. But i have to agree with you till they give us a better control ovver our thrall i would be happy to turn it off
mines have escapade from nemedian hanging cages and nemedian stocades. Had to build a floor in the tower to hold them, then i put the entrance two wall high and an elevator
Mine does not because my mod removes the Smart Object Component the same way it prevents a player in the jail from dying and coming back in their spawn point.
There are tricks to bind your thralls from going where they are not supposed to. One nice one is putting fence foundations high enough to prevent them from finding a way through, but not enough so characters are blocked by it. Requires a little trial and error.
It would be ideal to have the control to simply tell them not to do stuff, but since you dont, it require some tricks.
That is a ironic or “modern” take, but it is kinda, funny.
I can tell you for a fact, and for testimonials, that is not really true.
A whole lot of people prefer to be slaves, property, etc, rather than your average “liberal democracy advocate nut” wants to preach.
We could just cite the BDSM relationships that can fill dozens of conventions in hundreds of places every month as an example and call it a day, but in some places, people doesnt only use it as a “relationship style quirk”, but they do REALLY proud themselves in being the best what western people call slaves, thralls or serfs, and would really hate you if you tried to free them.
The quirks of freedom, if you advocate for freedom, you need to advocate for people to be free to surrender it too.
Live camps are pretty buggy i guess.
Anyway, anything that makes the game more entertaining is fine, mixing emotes, leaving backpacks on the ground, taking out weapons sometimes, or even having them talk to each other… putting one of those modern AI chats in the game… even if it’s useless.
Now, joking aside, any addition is cool,building things and see your camp, save the folder and build another camp… anyway would be nice.
I think it’s a lot of work, but, no jokes, really it’s good to give the camp a different look.
Pick me, pick me (Shrek donkey)…
But honestly Yes and No!
Let me explain why Yes.
It’s so nice after all these years, after so many capture repeats of Godrath for example, to have him with me, as a companion to an adventure! Or @Croms_Faithful, how cool it is that he comes with me when i go out for dining supplies of my population.
Let me explain No!
Changes i would love to see!
placing furnishings and ability to choose who sits, or sleeps here. Ok i know we are barbarians, yet order is necessary.
The game already has day cycle. So at nights everyone should be sleeping.
Afternoon everyone on the bar.
Midday everyone in the dining hall.
Allow me to place alcohol in the thrall pot. I want them to become dizzy on afternoon and dance why not or do funny random e motes.
It’s too difficult in times to find your crafter, so allow me to call him-her from his-her working bench, or my follower list.
But i am happy with the living settlement so far, just remove the Vortex issue please the soonest possible.
I never consider my crafters slaves, neither my fighters. So i don’t really care if the benches look empty, i don’t give a dime actually!