please remove the crafter thralls out of the living settlement feature.
for one, it is clear such a move will hit the performance of servers and clients. and will be in detriment of where we are now.
you can still add emotes , and idle behaviour to deployed thralls, and find the same effect. use items trigger different responses. player markers to set patrol routes, i mean options are plenty.
if you skip the crafter thralls then :
- you dont have to lower down the thrall count or raise it.
- you will avoid tons of reports and head aches ,most of us know the game cant take such a move. if you leave this in place, you will have reports people complaining about performance, thralls flying, thralls stuck at animation, thralls blocking your way, (you can see the effects right now over the tavern, plenty of inconsistencys not working, we all saw in the stream , thralls flying, thralls stucks in animation, standing on chairs, etc. which we all believe is not intended,. but it is a thing.
- there is NO VALUE to have crafter thralls walk eat and seat, elsewhere, not for the players. you said you did not want to change the game, this update will change it.
-fix the pathing issues you can find with the tavern first.
things you can do :
- allow crafters to change clothing , even by adding a button when thrall icon in the inventory is highlighted, or by placing then in a dressing bench for thralls (there was a mod that did this brilianl)
- add a variety of working emotes to those thralls, so they animation (client not server) show variety, wihtout fundanmentally changing how the game works right now.
- have already deployed thralls new emotes , like guard, or relax, but make it all client base, so servers are not hit by it.
- having multiple thralls in a bench is not a bad idea, but make it static, you could put 3 thralls in a large bench all doing something. or just sitting nearby.
- you can add crafter thralls to cages , but make it so they try to flee when released, so people can KO and turn then as yours.
there is a lot of animation that has been done for this, use it, but avoid getting yourtself into a nightmare, this update will cause a lot of stress, and will again be against your own interest.
with the current state of age of war , you guys are in a pretty precarious position to try invent the wheel or hot water, avoid problems , make things better, but as previously said many times , focus on fixing and brigning new deco items.
people wants new stuff , people will buy new stuff,. but please do not mess with things that are not causing any problems, not until you can clear your way of a backlog of pending issues waiting to be resolved.
i cant imagine how this will play out for console players. but it does not look good at this moment.
Best Regards