Living Settlements: Praise, Critique, and Concerns

Well the random clients to my tavern certainly can’t open doors. They just flock to the door until I open it. I wonder if Funcom actually adds that option.


I remember calculating it and 50 meters turned out to be something like 18,5 squares. A radius of 19,5 squares is actually a lot. (EDIT)

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I was calculating from what they posted:

50 ÷ 2.56 = 19.53125

At any rate, yeah, that radius is pretty big.

This living settlement idea plus the inability for them to use elevators is tempting me to create a treehouse masterpiece that will just look so much better with people walking around.

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I’m concerned about thralls opening the front door and letting things in.


Just like in many things about new additions to the game, I like the concept, but I worry about application a lot.

  • I worry that the thrall limit is going to suck, forcing us to have much less combat thralls because we MUST have crafter thralls
  • I worry that the thralls will block our movement in our own base. Bodyblocking by thralls is already the worst thing that can possibly happen in this game. Even worse than getting stuck on the floor pretty much, since that can only happen at login. This is further emphasized by the thralls ONLY spawning when the player shows up, meaning they will always move in front of the players face to block the walkways.
  • I worry that the thralls are gonna get stuck on scenery just like the tavern patrons do and be immersionbreaking. Current tavern patrons have issues with doors, for example. But they cant open doors either, because its unimaginable a thrall could open a door to an attacking player enemy in pvp. You should probably make it so that crafter thralls and tavern patrons can walk through doors…

That would actually be beneficial, since a crafter sunk in the floor cant be killed or stolen(?), yet it continues to offer its bonuses to the stations remotely. Not that I would want such an unimmersive thing.


Imagine a worker thrall walking out the main gate, cowering as a rocknose attacks, then dies before the defenders kill it. Bye bye T4 shield wright.

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Just like everytime someone does something that results in a loss in this game… a lesson will be learned. In this case, how to build a base in such a way that doesn’t happen. Those that stick to abstract principles will simply be victims of their own making.

I don’t see this as any different to a crafting station getting destroyed in a purge or in PVP. Crafter thralls weren’t always invulnerable in their stations like some people thought they were. Well maybe they were in PVE due to placement. But that can be done here too.




My thralls definitely won’t be getting lost in my designs.

Good luck! :sunglasses:

You are the silverlining one. I give you that. :rofl:

You build a city on official and your basd will be zendesk wiped lol

After announcement of Age of Heroes I freak out and returned to RDR2 online.

My character become underweight, got cold etc!? I had played like Exiles and forgot that RDR had actual survival aspects in it…

Tells something about state of Conan Exiles?

Now reading these QAs devs gave us:

It seems “the world” that I had build 1200 hours is going to be unmanageable. Towns/Settelement are like historical cities. Narrow streets filled with crafting stations with thralls. = complete mess after crafters start to get stuck, open/ get stuck to doors, fall in foundations and wandering to find what ever beds, fireplaces, causing bugs and performance issues. How to hell as player you navigate through this!?

Devs: build better bases!

Devs: let’s cut thrall limit to “fix” performance issues caused by bad code!


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ADHD has been the death of my character regular :flushed:
Your character can still starve or die of thirst. You can still freeze in the cold or cook in the volcano. But ya, the only environmental factors to worry with are extremes.

Heat and thirst really need to be an issue in the desert. Humidity and leaches need to be an issue in the jungles. Nights should be cold enough to worry about in the northern forests. around the mounds. And biting insects really need to be present around the new asgarth{?} area.

Really wouldn’t be that hard to do would it funcom?

Not looking forward to having to demolish and rebuild 3/4 of my base to accommodate housing for crafters

This used to be a thing when it comes to temperatures. The moment you’d hit the Riversend area you would get very cold, if you went swimming you’d slowly freeze. That is with a decent set of clothing. If you woke up naked you’d just start freezing most of the time.

I used to have my base there and always just wore 2 or 3 heat resistant pieces, and 2 or 3 cold resistant pieces depending on my plans.

I’m still not a 100% sure why they did away with all that as i do feel like it added its charm to every base location. Probably because people died while logged off indoors too often.


I still remember my first attempted playthrough of Realms of Arkania in the 1990s. My party’s bard wanted to earn some coin and sang at a tavern. He failed his Music skill check so badly that the whole party was thrown out of the tavern.

Because the tavern was blocked, I had no option but to camp on the street. My warrior failed his Perception skill check during night watch, and my dwarf’s trousers were stolen during the night.

In the morning I tried to find a shop where I could buy replacement pants. But while I was wandering the streets, an angry mob that was upset about seeing a pantless dwarf mugged him. So the dwarf was injured.

My party healer tried to give my dwarf first aid, failed his Medicine skill check, and actually caused the poor dwarf to contract tetanus. The healer’s skills were insufficient to even try to cure tetanus, and the village didn’t have a temple, so I had to try to reach a bigger town to find a cure for my dwarf. Unfortunately, he died of the tetanus before I could find my way to the next settlement.

Now that’s some hardcore survival (or in my case, failure thereof), in a game that is not even supposed to be a survival game.


I love survival games, and I love the hardcore micromanagement ones too. But honestly, we all know why most games do away with any of that: Player whining.

The player comes to a survival game, and then starts to fill the forum with complaints that they need to eat, drink, dress adequately, care about things more than how many HP a sword hits, or how many APs armor gives.

Every game always ease up with the survival, even survival games, because players start complaining. That is why the genre has been declining a lot. The people who likes it often dont state what they like until it is gone, so devs often dont know how many players like it, just the ones who dislike it.

This is a very good point. People are always much more likely to voice their negative opinion than they are to voice their positive opinion. That’s why forums like this often end up with lots of negativity, because they turn into echo chambers.

That said, I think survival games have always suffered from their own design principle - surviving is made to be a chore. And most people don’t like doing chores, especially when they’re supposed to be enjoying themselves playing a video game.

I’m not sure how this could be improved. Needing to eat and drink every 15 minutes is never going to be interesting gameplay, at least when you can drink any water you find, whether it’s sulhurous or sewer water. Perhaps increasing the time between the needs to eat and drink, but requiring the player to actively process their nourishment (by making cooking and water purifying into some kind of mini-games perhaps) would be a solution?

But more than our digestive system, the environment should feel like it matters more. Temperatures should vary even within the same area depending on weather, time of day, time of year, etc. Rain (and other ways of getting wet) should have an effect, as should bright sunlight.

With modern ray tracing tech and improved processing power all around, all of this should be achievable.


Assume if I’m not complaining about it I like it :laughing:

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