Living settlements working out?

Well, according to @speedice the system is working just fine (this would be a first)… I am just gonna leave it alone, tired of doing their work as a quality control guinea-pig.

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You’re not paying attention to me brother, but it’s my fault.
I 'll try to be more clear.
Online vs single player!
The winner to everything is online except battle performance, because of bad internet connection. But if your internet connection is stable, online is equally good on battle performance too.
So if you rent a new server, like @speedice did…
And create a new character to this new server like @speedice did…
And have a stable internet connection like @speedice does…
Your gaming experience is magnificent!

I lack the third, my internet connection is regular to bad. I live in a Greek island, i pay for 100Mbps and i gain lower than 30 :woman_shrugging:t4:.
So i will never experience or understand things like people with better internet connection.
Yet because i play both online and single player, i can guarantee you that online performs way better on all the mechanics!

Not the server.
Not a new character.
Not a stable internet connection.

The Living Settelements code is a horrid mess, the problem is on their end, not ours; as evidence of this argument I present to you the forums. LS is broken. I am not trying to sound adversarial, I am simply presenting the facts. I would love to hear fron an overwhelming majority of players that LS is finally fixed; when that is the case, the argument is null.

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1000% correct!

I never disagree and i am great full you did.

Me too brother :metal:.

That’s exactly what i am trying to say all this time too.
There can be no argument on different situations, only on similar :woman_shrugging:t4:.
If you wish to see similar situations that hopefully you have not see yet but maybe it’s close and coming to you too, check this topic…

I died, and not withstanding the fact I got a gillion beds and a roll layed out, there was no other option but to respawn naked at the start marker, yes. Why is this a consideration for an argument about LS being broken? It’s broken, period, the new bug is just a new bug /shrug.

I shall leave it at that, no sense on prolonguing this discussion. Have a great day, bro.

Wait wait! You just said that you died and had no bed option to respawn?
Do i understand correctly?


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Omg, that’s a 'new bug :woman_facepalming:t6:.
Can you please make a report for it on the Playstation bug section.
Ofcurce they are going to ask for a video and proof, but only the mention of it worth.
Some years ago @Alhambra was saying that she can knock down the scorpion king with a truncheon. Nobody believed her Ofcurce until she made a video of it.
For me?
You don’t need to do any video, i believe you already, the game can break so hard that you cannot imagine brother. Thats why i ask Zendesk involvement on single player users. The game can break in so many different ways that’s making it unplayable for single player.
Once again, thanks a million for sharing :metal:.

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I’ve been spawning it the desert once and a while with beds available, practically since the game dropped.

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I have a PS5 with a 3 tB expansion. The thralls always walked around before, they just didn’t work very long. Now, on a private server, there are always 3 - 4 of 12 working, 1 or 2 sleeping, and the rest wandering around at campfires, fountains, looking at armor displays, or in the bar.

It’s pretty lively. I can understand why single player isn’t as lively, since the game completely stops when you aren’t actively logged in.

I’m sure @stelagel can confirm a little, since I know he was checking out the new winery the other day.

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It was the night before i was in a vocal with @LostBrythunian wondering why this set is so expensive and if the grape stomp had any emote from thralls. So watching your thrall doing the emote, i took a video and send it back to him.
I still didn’t buy this set, it’s pricy, although i bought the coins :laughing:.
Another thing that worth to be mentioned for people who seek a private server experience, is that 40 euro per 3 months is a good deal and the performance outplay any official.
Yet single player is something i fix forever, or it should be, because even this has become a myth for me.

The building pieces, what few there are, look good.
If it came with doors, windows, ceilings, fences, perhaps awnings, and, especially, wedges and wedge foundations, or at least fence foundations, this one would be very interested.
As is, the placeables are nice, but it seems, from video reviews, the grape vines are exceptionally limited in where they can go…
Also, severely missed opportunity for the grape stomp vat to be either a fermentation barrel or fluid press.
That isn’t grabbing this one at that price.
Further this one is holding their last Chrome Crypto.
The wallet is closed to Funcom until the current major bugs are addressed, no matter how pretty the window dressing, the house must be fixed first.


So I was observing my worker thralls, and after that, it is hard to call them “worker” thralls at all…lets say they are rather hardly working than hard workers.

Well, like I said, you must be blessed by the gods. Single Player gets very lively… until thralls are teleported to 0.0 or get stuck on a bend, looking just absolutely horrid.

I believe you, I never said you were lying, just blessed; however I would like to hear from the vast majority of players that issues have been resolved, and one can enjoy the feature /shrug.

Again, I do not believe the issue is player related, it’s lazy code.

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Well, are they not dissappearing anymore? Or getting hopelessly stuck anymore? I couldn’t care less if they scratch their danglers all day, their influence is what I care for, as long as the debacle has been resolved and Living Settlements is actually, reliably working.

for me, I hardly lost any in the past weeks…however, my base has never been emptier, because I don’t need even half es many thralls to work the stations.
And as I have mentioned before, my “used to be” busy workshop is literally empty most of the time. They are now stuck in tables and running in place because they can’t get around a corner.
So not only did I lose thralls in the f*** up they called a release, everything now looks broken and feels empty.

…but my stations get the benefit…from a thrall walking in place on a table 90m away.
Still can’t craft with mats from a nearby chest though.

oh, and I found a new bug with tavern recruitment: If a thrall there costs 500g and you have less than that in your inventory, but click on buy anyway…all the gold coins in your inventory is gone. I don’t even bother to write a ticket about it.

Thralls are still being displaced, that’s all I needed to know, thank you.

My place is so lively


Le sigh.

I put dancers at some benches since I have fewer crafters than bench needs these days. I only need one blacksmith, but 4 benches I can put her at, so I just let dancers do the animations.

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