Lost Connection / Authentication Failure

Happening on my server too. Blech.

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Same in official servers

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Same Here.

Official Conflict Server

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Only thing that works right now is continuously trying to login.

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Wife got in first try, I got in after 5 continuous reconnects.

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Same error #server 1941

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So they may not even know there is an issue??? I want to know if they are working on a resolution

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Having the same issue. Nothing works, except spamming it over and over to get in.

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Same issue. Private server, mods, no battle eye.

Update: Managed to get in after spamming it and retyped my stored password

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Cant login into the game. Server 1214.

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Funcom please god help us were dying out here


My character may lose all equipment due to this error. I was not able to enter the game when I needed it. And now I will have to spend time crafting new equipment.

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i have the same issue i try verify integrity files and restart steam and reinstall battle eye reinstall the game and still have Authentication Fail and from comments above i guess it’s funcom issue i hope they fix it soon

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The last time this happened Funcom were exceptionally delayed in sorting it out, in fact I don’t even remember an official word from them–it just started working again.


I tell ya what, if this is the sort of service we can expect, I won’t be purchasing Dune.


Cannot connect to Funcom live services since yesterday , seriously wtf Funcom ?

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Same here. Authentication Failed

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I know at least 40 other players who can’t get on right now as well. Our servers are literally empty. xD

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same here, authentication failure

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same :confused:

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