Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server - PvE - Exiled Lands (America)
Mods: None
Bug Description:
Was attempting to knockout named thrall in Sep City. Player character stopped responding to mouse commands to use weapons. Also noted that it did not appear follower truncheon was having any affect on named thrall. Attempted to run away to save follower. Suddenly was relocated into a location in the opposite direction of travel. Had no control over character so exited game and returned. Was able to gain control of character and take control of horse. Returned to location of fight and was immediately attacked by npc. Took out npc but could not find follower. Used map to locate follower. Found thrall follower in a location which was in the direction I was traveling but further than I had made it. Got control of thrall, returned to named thrall and acquired it.
What you experienced (based on your description) was just a desync, where the client (your PC) and the server had a minor argument about where your character was. The server didn’t think you were anywhere near the NPC, which is why your attacks had no effect. The server ultimately won the disagreement and you were slung back to where the server thought you were the whole time, as you said, “relocated into a location in the opposite direction of travel.” Relogging in these situations (as you did), will fix the problem, so both the client, and server, are again in agreement about your location.
I wish it were a “bug” that Funcom could fix, but unfortunately for us, it is not a bug at all, simply a latency issue that caused a desync.
While I can’t say for certain in OPs particular instance since they were able to log out, back in and it righted itself, but it has been a precursor to the Battleye disconnects being experienced the last 2 days.
It seems like BE is kicking due to this desync, would be my guess. Good thing to an extent if so, perhaps it was updated?
But really, no idea what the cause is for the onset of this lag/desynching happening and why only the past 2 days. Not much has changed other than time.
Including myself Deacon mentioned it as well, probably happening to everyone.
Very rarely had this issue prior to playing on “this” beta server where is happens several times a day. In fact, I actually can’t remember when the last time this happened prior to this. Basically makes play-testing impossible since anytime you go in harms way you may suddenly not be able to defend yourself and may lose everything you are carrying which sets you back to grinding out equipment and not testing.
You’re right, this did just start happening in the last couple of days. It would be interesting to know what the update was before this started, roll back to just prior to that and see if it stops.
Have to be clear, my assumption that BE updated is just a guess.
I’d had prior kicks due to BE but pretty normal, nothing that made me think it is a problem.
But the last 2 days? Terrible and even worse today. I gave up a little after lunch my time today, already kicked 2 times since I started back up about 30 mins ago.
Something new today. Not only did I lose the ability to control weapons, the stamina regenerate stopped working. This just keeps getting better and better…
Yep, been there as well. It 100% sucks and the most reliable fix, for me, has been a log out/in cycle to get things synced.
Age of War brought us massive desync issues, hell, the showed them on their stream, and everything they have done since the new purge started has made the issue much, much worse.
Happened again today, only this time with a twist. Lost control of character and stamina would not regenerate. Made it back to near obelisk and removed bracelet. Reentering the game took so long and then seemed to stop so I shutdown CE and restarted it. When I respawned it was at the Mek-kamoses’s Spire. Why I have no idea. Removed bracelet again and responed at base. Did manage to get to corpse in time to salvage gear. Had this been in the volcano it would have been a another total gear loss. Private servers can run no gear loss on death which will be required when this release on the 17th. Can’t actually believe they are going to do that based on play experience in the beta server.